Visionaire 5 released

  • #80, by TinTinFriday, 24. November 2017, 15:47 7 years ago
    Great works Simon. footstep sound is worked now.Please add it to new fixes.

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  • #81, by TinTinFriday, 24. November 2017, 16:07 7 years ago

    What's the new max size for scene backgrounds now? You might want to make it even larger at some point if you still intend in the future for people to be able to make other game genres with VS as side-scrolling platformer games tend to have really high & wide scenes, especially metroidvania games.
    I really want to make other genres with VS special platformer game. I'm curious how can we make gravity. Maybe in action area and so on. Is it possible?

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  • #82, by caligarimarteFriday, 24. November 2017, 16:10 7 years ago
    Thank you very much for the Update, the new shaderAddressHandling has fixed the Tiling-Problem, though at first I assumed that "_t_texel" would be a valid Texture to input, which turned out not to be the Case, so I had to redefine that basic texel-Sampler as an additional Texture. I am not sure whether that is very efficient, so it would be good if "_t_texel" could be made a valid Texture for this Command (even though at Least my Clouds are working fine and well now, so that Problem of mine has been solved -- thanks).

    Or is there another Way of applying the shaderAddressHandling-Command to the basic texel-Sampler?

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  • #83, by SimonSFriday, 24. November 2017, 16:13 7 years ago
    @AFRLme: I've set the size in the editor to 50000KB, this means 12,8mil pixels, something like 5000x2560 or 4000x3200, it's only for the editor, the player has it's own setting.

    Big areas will not have one big background, that's for sure.

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  • #84, by MachtnixFriday, 24. November 2017, 16:40 7 years ago
    Habs installiert, aber leider keine Verbesserung in der GI-Darstellung. Ich kann Visionaire zwar auf beide Bildschirme ziehen, dann rücken die Icons weiter auseinander, aber dadurch gibt es ab und zu Probleme bei den einzelnen Menüs.
    Da aus den alten Projekten bestimmte Animationen nicht dargestellt werden, und das Spiel beim Öffnen des Inventars immer unruhig hoch- und runter wabert (ist seit 5 RC so), bleibe ich erstmal bei V 4.2.5.
    Bei einem neuen Projekt werde ich dann auf beiden Versionen gleichzeitig beginnen, um zu sehen, ob neuangelegte Spiele diese Problerme auch haben oder ob das nur durch die   Konvertierung hervorgerufen wird.


    Been installed, but unfortunately no improvement in the GI representation. Although I can pull Visionaire on both screens, then the icons move further apart, but this sometimes causes problems with the individual menus.
    Because from old projects certain animations are not displayed, and the game always goes up and down when opening the inventory  (has been since 5 RC), I first stay with V 4.2.5.
    For a new project, I will start on both versions at the same time to see if newly created games have this problem as well, or if that is only caused by the conversion.

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  • #85, by MachtnixFriday, 24. November 2017, 17:26 7 years ago
    Mit dem fetteren Font hat es jetzt geklappt (das Problem lag daran, dass Visionaire nochmal zusätzlich einen eigenen Ordner innerhalb des Visionaire 5-Ordners anlegt, weshalb alle Daten und Verzeichnisse zweimal vorhanden sind, damit auch die CSS), aber den Zwischenraum bei den Icons krieg ich nicht hin. Auch kann ich die Schrift nicht kleiner machen, obwohl ich schon auf 10 Px runtergegangen bin. Ich bin anscheinend nicht an der richtigen Stelle.

    Jetzt blind in der CSS herumzuprobieren halte ich nicht für sinnvoll. Vielleicht schickt mir jemand eine PN, welche Padding- oder Border-Werte ich verändern muss, damit der Abstand zwischen den Menü-Icons größer und die Schrift insgesamt kleiner wird.


    Die Auto-Übersetzung ist jetzt nicht wirklich toll, aber naja:

    With the bold font, it worked now (the problem was that Visionaire again creates its own folder within the Visionaire 5 folder by installation, which is why all data and directories exist twice, so the CSS too), but the space in the icons I will not go. Also, I can not make the font smaller, although I have already gone down to 10 Px. I do not seem to be in the right place.

    I do not think it makes sense to try blindly in CSS. Maybe someone will send me a PN, which padding or border values I have to change, so that the distance between the menu icons is larger and the font is smaller overall.

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  • #86, by afrlmeFriday, 24. November 2017, 17:44 7 years ago
    @AFRLme: I've set the size in the editor to 50000KB, this means 12,8mil pixels, something like 5000x2560 or 4000x3200, it's only for the editor, the player has it's own setting.

    Big areas will not have one big background, that's for sure.
    interesting. Max editor size with 1080 as height would be approx. 7407x1080. 7408 puts it at just over 12.8 million pixels. I guess it's plenty of pixels to work with, especially if it's a pixel art game at 720p or lower. & yes I know it's highly likely scenes wouldn't be that large. Was just curious is all. Does the increase in the buffer size impact the amount of system resources the VS editor needs to run by a lot?

    * edit: disregard my calculation. My math sucks & I forgot the total while I was inputting values into the calculator.

    * edit: ok I meant at 1080 height you could have approx. 11,850x1080.


    7285 Posts

  • #87, by malteFriday, 24. November 2017, 19:42 7 years ago
    Och schade, der Bug das nach dem autosave laden die animationen in meinen Menus nicht mehr abspielen (auf teufel komm raus nicht, auch nicht mit "versuchter Starthilfe")
    ist leider nicht mit behoben worden.  :-(

    Normalerweise "sprudelt" hier blut im Reagenzglas. (Siehe screenshot)
    Nach dem laden hab ich aber nur noch das Standbild.

    Den hätte ich ja gerne noch raus. Oder eine andere funktionierende lösung.
    Ansonsten aber alles fein.




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  • #88, by sebastianFriday, 24. November 2017, 21:56 7 years ago
    I have problems downloading the version. It says that my key is incorrect.

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  • #89, by MachtnixFriday, 24. November 2017, 22:24 7 years ago
    My G-Data-Security  stops because  of dangerous cross-scripting (I had the same info report: key is wrong ). I allowed it and it works.

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  • #90, by wimfFriday, 24. November 2017, 23:03 7 years ago
    Wow, thank SimonS for this update.

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