Visionaire 5 released

  • #60, by MachtnixTuesday, 21. November 2017, 15:14 7 years ago
    <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">ich hab wohl ein Formatierungsproblem und kann meine Beiträge nicht mehr korrigieren. Ich meinte natürlich: der Download startete NICHT.</font></font>

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  • #61, by SimonSTuesday, 21. November 2017, 15:22 7 years ago
    Bei Name den vollen Namen eingeben, also der bei der Registrierung benutzt wurde, hab den Lizenzschlüssel hier nochmal nachgeschlagen, der funktioniert. Ansonsten kann ich den auch nochmal per Mail verschicken lassen.

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  • #62, by MachtnixTuesday, 21. November 2017, 15:26 7 years ago
    <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">ich probier's nochmal, vielen Dank.</font></font>

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  • #63, by afrlmeTuesday, 21. November 2017, 15:57 7 years ago
    what's going on with the font tags in your posts @Machtnix?


    7285 Posts

  • #64, by MachtnixTuesday, 21. November 2017, 16:24 7 years ago
    I don't know. Suddenly it happens. You remember? I said I knocked out EVERY system... kill EVERY game, and I will find EVERY bug (it wasn't serious, I know).
     I wrote from a tablet with Android 7, now I'm on my PC.

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  • #65, by georgmoensTuesday, 21. November 2017, 16:45 7 years ago
    Nun läuft der Download. Ich habe genau das gleiche gemacht wie heute Vormittag. Schnell gefixt, Simon! Danke!


    87 Posts

  • #66, by MachtnixTuesday, 21. November 2017, 16:57 7 years ago
    Die Fehlermeldung kam zwar immer noch, aber mein neues G-Data hat nun ein unsicheres Cross-Scripting angemerkt. Erst als ich das zugelassen habe, startete der Download, ich hoffe, mit der freigeschalteten Voll-Version.

    The error message still came, but my new G-Data has now noted an insecure cross-scripting. Only when I have allowed this, the download started, I hope, with the unlocked full version.

    I think, it works now. Thanks.

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  • #67, by MachtnixWednesday, 22. November 2017, 00:40 7 years ago
    I have the 5 final just installed, but the surface seems not ok to me: look at the RC2 (first picture, I have installed a bold font for better reading; I will do this for the final too). RC2 looks ok. The icons are close together, but I can accept it.

    But the icons in the final version are without space, the screen is too big (yes, the left and right side is not on the screen) and some menues are bad (picture 2 and f.e. 3). What can I do to make it better?

    I'm going to install the same font now - maybe the problem will be solved.

    Edit: I use the same font size and font from the r2-css, but it makes it worse than before...

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  • #68, by TinTinWednesday, 22. November 2017, 09:12 7 years ago
    I heard Simon added some physics to engine. Is it integrate in final version now? What is that commands ? And Is here any manual for it?

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  • #69, by SimonSWednesday, 22. November 2017, 11:49 7 years ago
    Der Editor unterstützt jetzt nativ DPI-Skalierung, dafür sollte man aber eine gewisse Auflösung haben. Wenn man bei der Verknüpfung auf Einstellungen geht, kann man das Skalierungsverhalten des Programms anpassen.

    @TinTin: While it's in the player, putting all the infos about the lua interface out there is probably not very helpful. I would need to build a complete integration.

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  • #70, by dionousWednesday, 22. November 2017, 11:55 7 years ago
    I heard Simon added some physics to engine. Is it integrate in final version now? What is that commands ? And Is here any manual for it?
    Are we talking about Box2D guys?

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