Visionaire 5 released

  • #40, by wischnikTuesday, 14. November 2017, 19:34 7 years ago
    can you give a bit more information on how you setup the character? I cant reproduce it (yet)
    hej there,
    try out the following:

    let a character walk to an object where the character's supposed to trigger some spoken text at arrival. it seems to me there's a mess-up between arrival, stopping the animation, turning to the object and giving out spoken text. i think so because when the character is finished giving out text the animation finally stops and the character turns towards the object.

    i'm also working on a mac.


    25 Posts

  • #41, by joerg-burbachTuesday, 14. November 2017, 19:42 7 years ago
    Great, thanks for the quick Mac-fix!

    And thanks for the effort!!


    30 Posts

  • #42, by LebosteinWednesday, 15. November 2017, 08:27 7 years ago
    Which Spine versions are supported? Is it possible to use a Spine3.3-DragonBones-Export now? Thanks!

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #43, by sebastianWednesday, 15. November 2017, 12:32 7 years ago
    can you give a bit more information on how you setup the character? I cant reproduce it (yet)
    hej there,
    try out the following:

    let a character walk to an object where the character's supposed to trigger some spoken text at arrival. it seems to me there's a mess-up between arrival, stopping the animation, turning to the object and giving out spoken text. i think so because when the character is finished giving out text the animation finally stops and the character turns towards the object.

    i'm also working on a mac.
    cant reproduce it right now:
    please check:

    - does it solve the issue if you enable/disable slide animation walk cycle in the outfit?
    - does it occour on all outfits?
    - what happens if you create a new outfit from scratch?
    - disable any scripts interferring/modifying (with) your character movement

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #44, by battlefoxWednesday, 15. November 2017, 18:50 7 years ago
    I can't even run VS5:

    Tried VS 5 today on Windows 10. It boots up one time, i clicked on "options" and it crashed.
    Now I can't run VS5 again, everytime I start the tool, I just get a blank screen.

    EDIT: reinstalled again, and same problem: I can only run the Software once after installation, if I try to start the software a second time, I always get a blank screen.


    52 Posts

  • #45, by bonesWednesday, 15. November 2017, 20:06 7 years ago
    Which Spine versions are supported? Is it possible to use a Spine3.3-DragonBones-Export now? Thanks!
    I tried importing Spine 3.3 files from DragonBones, but the characters are invisible.  It used to work, but doesn't seem to work in this new version. Or perhaps I missed something.

    No matter, because according to the EULA of Spine a developer is not allowed to use Spine files without a license of Spine. So even IF Spine files exported from DragonBones would work, you are breaking that license unless you have a licensed copy of Spine.

    That means that unless Visionaire developers purchases Spine, they just have to wait until support for DragonBones and Spriter files is implemented.


    48 Posts

  • #46, by theokouThursday, 16. November 2017, 10:55 7 years ago
    I installed VS5 and in the character tab the submenus of the character's different animations (eg. walk, standing etc.) don't appear when I press +. Has anyone else expeienced this? Sorry if it's already answered...


    17 Posts

  • #47, by caligarimarteThursday, 16. November 2017, 15:09 7 years ago
    An old Error concerning the Shaders that was already solved in RC2 has returned in this Version, and it should be fixed: When tiling a Texture inside a Shader, there is now once again a white Line at the Texture Border.
    The Line only occurs if the Minification Filter (Verkleinerungsfilter) is set to "Linear Interpolation" -- there is no Line when setting that Filter to "Nearest Neighbor".
    But in the last Version, this was not an Issue. In RC2 the Line was gone, also with the Filter set to "Linear". (In Fact, that was my primary Reason to decide and switch to V5 in the first Place.)

    Forum Fan

    145 Posts

  • #48, by SimonSSunday, 19. November 2017, 10:56 7 years ago
    @Lebostein: Dragonbones-Importer is not yet ready, it's very confusing and I thought the Spine one is bad design, but this is really...

    @battlefox: the options button on the right side crashes if you don't have a ved loaded, this will be fixed with the next bugfix update. As for the screen remaining black I don't really know, never happened here. You can try changing the subsystem to gl by adding -dev gl to the command line of the shortcut. Maybe some more infos are in the viseditor.log

    @theokou: the distance of the checkbox is calculated wrongly, you need to click a little more to the left. Will be fixed.

    @caligarimarte: You probably use your own code for repeating the texture, currently the border handling is set to border (0,0,0,0) for most subsystems but I will export this setting to lua in the bugfix update, before I had clamp to edge.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #49, by wischnikSunday, 19. November 2017, 14:26 7 years ago
    can you give a bit more information on how you setup the character? I cant reproduce it (yet)
    hej there,
    try out the following:

    let a character walk to an object where the character's supposed to trigger some spoken text at arrival. it seems to me there's a mess-up between arrival, stopping the animation, turning to the object and giving out spoken text. i think so because when the character is finished giving out text the animation finally stops and the character turns towards the object.

    i'm also working on a mac.
    cant reproduce it right now:
    please check:

    - does it solve the issue if you enable/disable slide animation walk cycle in the outfit?
    - does it occour on all outfits?
    - what happens if you create a new outfit from scratch?
    - disable any scripts interferring/modifying (with) your character movement
    hello sebastian,
    thanks for looking into it.

    i tried everything you suggested but couldn't resolve the issue. i found a workaround though that points to the nature of this problem. if i place a one-millisecond-pause before the characters actions are triggered, the walk-animation stops and the character turns towards the object and everything works as it should.

    could it be that the update messed up the chronological relation between actions related to arriving at an object (stopping walk animations and turning) and self-programmed actions triggered at arrival?

    it's really weird noone else is experiencing this. makes me wonder if i overlooked something.


    25 Posts

  • #50, by esmeraldaSunday, 19. November 2017, 18:37 7 years ago
    it's really weird noone else is experiencing this. makes me wonder if i overlooked something.
    I didn't have the same problem as you, but still somewhat similar, I think.
    When leftclicking on an object, the character should walk to it (object position), play an animation and then display a text. But the animation only gets played, if the character is already on the right spot. If it first walks to the object position, the animation is skipped and only the text is displayed. (no walking on the spot like in your case) A pause solved the problem, just like in your case.
    I'm not sure, if it worked correctly in RC2.

    Key Killer

    524 Posts