Visionaire 5 released

  • #50, by esmeraldaSunday, 19. November 2017, 18:37 7 years ago
    it's really weird noone else is experiencing this. makes me wonder if i overlooked something.
    I didn't have the same problem as you, but still somewhat similar, I think.
    When leftclicking on an object, the character should walk to it (object position), play an animation and then display a text. But the animation only gets played, if the character is already on the right spot. If it first walks to the object position, the animation is skipped and only the text is displayed. (no walking on the spot like in your case) A pause solved the problem, just like in your case.
    I'm not sure, if it worked correctly in RC2.

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #51, by caligarimarteSunday, 19. November 2017, 21:39 7 years ago
    @caligarimarte: You probably use your own code for repeating the texture, currently the border handling is set to border (0,0,0,0) for most subsystems but I will export this setting to lua in the bugfix update, before I had clamp to edge.
    I am merely using the usual "fract()"-Command on the Texture-Coordinates inside my Shaders, that is all, but I am glad if it will be fixed again in the next Version (as it already was in RC2).

    (EDIT: Well, technically it was only somewhat fixed, as "fract()" still resulted in Border-Handling that was not really perfectly "repeat", but it looked close enough, and that was fine enough for me and the few People with whom I have shared my Shaders.)

    Forum Fan

    145 Posts

  • #52, by MachtnixMonday, 20. November 2017, 21:16 7 years ago
    Das direkte Herunterladen der Full-Version mit Lizenzschlüssel klappt nicht. Muss ich also die freie Version installieren und danach diese freischalten? Oder haben sich die Schlüssel geändert?

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #53, by vanoakTuesday, 21. November 2017, 00:38 7 years ago
    Just upgraded to 5.0.3 and scene background with 4209 x 2421 has disappeared. The image  is loaded to the editor (the scrollbars are shown) but the image is nowhere to be seen.

    But it shows in the build, thought.



    26 Posts

  • #54, by afrlmeTuesday, 21. November 2017, 00:49 7 years ago
    Did it show in the editor in the previous version? For some reason VS has difficulty showing backgrounds that are over a certain height. It seems to be ok with wide images for some reason.

    You can get around this limitation by creating the background as a transparent image of the same width & height & then you can chop the actual background image up you wanted to display into tiles & add them as scene objects.


    7285 Posts

  • #55, by georgmoensTuesday, 21. November 2017, 09:18 7 years ago
    Ebenso wie bei Machtnix klappt der Download der full version mit vorhandenem Schlüssel nicht. Vor einer Woche ging's noch.


    87 Posts

  • #56, by vanoakTuesday, 21. November 2017, 10:50 7 years ago
    @AFRLme: Yes, is seems it was related to that, but could also be a concidence between a change of file from one that works that one that doesn't. Several students are working on this project.

    Regarding the height limit, I reduced the image height by small increments and 1500px seems to be it. 


    26 Posts

  • #57, by SimonSTuesday, 21. November 2017, 11:53 7 years ago
    Was heißt "klappt nicht" ? Wird der Lizenzschlüssel nicht akzeptiert ? Die Schlüssel haben sich nicht geändert.

    @vanoak: The buffer in the editor is currently set at 30MB, that would only allow 3127x2421, I will increase the limit for the next bugfix update, that will be here in a few days.

    @wischnik & @esmeralda : I already found this issue, it's fixed in the next update.

    Thread Captain

    1594 Posts

  • #58, by MachtnixTuesday, 21. November 2017, 15:09 7 years ago
    <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ja, es gibt eine Fehlermeldung, dass der Schlüssel falsch ist (ich habs mit und ohne Bindestriche probiert). </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Deshalb startete auch der Download nicht und ich konnte nur die freie Version herunterladen.</font></font>

    Thread Captain

    1097 Posts

  • #59, by MachtnixTuesday, 21. November 2017, 15:12 7 years ago
    <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ja, es gibt eine Fehlermeldung, dass der Schlüssel falsch ist (ich habs mit und ohne Bindestriche probiert). </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Deshalb startete auch der Download nicht und ich konnte nur die freie Version herunterladen.</font></font>

    Thread Captain

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  • #60, by MachtnixTuesday, 21. November 2017, 15:14 7 years ago
    <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">ich hab wohl ein Formatierungsproblem und kann meine Beiträge nicht mehr korrigieren. Ich meinte natürlich: der Download startete NICHT.</font></font>

    Thread Captain

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