Strangers in a Strange Land - Released

  • #10, by brut69Friday, 30. June 2017, 19:54 7 years ago
    So there is no demo? ^^

    No demo at the moment but I will post a gameplay video soon. Waiting on the Store to be approved first so I can post it with the trailer (which is being audited now)

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    266 Posts

  • #11, by brut69Friday, 30. June 2017, 21:08 7 years ago
    By they way, after my game greenlit, couple of days later, steam guys asked me to remove the adult screenshots of the game. Then i deleted the +18 ones...

    Can you send me a link to the store so I can check out the game?

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    266 Posts

  • #12, by AkcayKaraazmakFriday, 30. June 2017, 23:13 7 years ago
    By they way, after my game greenlit, couple of days later, steam guys asked me to remove the adult screenshots of the game. Then i deleted the +18 ones...

    Can you send me a link to the store so I can check out the game?

    Sure, here is the greenlight link;

    Great Poster

    440 Posts

  • #13, by brut69Saturday, 01. July 2017, 00:21 7 years ago
    I remember seeing this game in the past! I am glad you finished it!
    Was it never released on steam? Why? You are only with patreon now?

    Great Poster

    266 Posts

  • #14, by AkcayKaraazmakSaturday, 01. July 2017, 00:32 7 years ago
    I remember seeing this game in the past! I am glad you finished it!
    Was it never released on steam? Why? You are only with patreon now?

    Thank you Maria. No, the game hasn't finished yet, thats why its still on greenlight. Needs  couple of months smile ... I started patreon after my unsuccessful kickstarter campaign smile ...

    Does your game uses steam achievements and steam cards?

    Great Poster

    440 Posts

  • #15, by afrlmeSaturday, 01. July 2017, 03:37 7 years ago
    I remember seeing this game in the past! I am glad you finished it!
    Was it never released on steam? Why? You are only with patreon now?

    Thank you Maria. No, the game hasn't finished yet, thats why its still on greenlight. Needs  couple of months smile ... I started patreon after my unsuccessful kickstarter campaign smile ...

    Does your game uses steam achievements and steam cards?
    I think trading cards can only be instantly added by established developers now on game launch? I'm pretty sure I read/heard somewhere that unknown/new devs to Steam have to wait until game has made x sales/profit before they can add & activate steam trading cards for their game - I could be wrong though.


    7285 Posts

  • #16, by brut69Saturday, 01. July 2017, 14:04 7 years ago
    I remember seeing this game in the past! I am glad you finished it!
    Was it never released on steam? Why? You are only with patreon now?

    Thank you Maria. No, the game hasn't finished yet, thats why its still on greenlight. Needs  couple of months smile ... I started patreon after my unsuccessful kickstarter campaign smile ...

    Does your game uses steam achievements and steam cards?
    I think trading cards can only be instantly added by established developers now on game launch? I'm pretty sure I read/heard somewhere that unknown/new devs to Steam have to wait until game has made x sales/profit before they can add & activate steam trading cards for their game - I could be wrong though.

    You are right. Here is what it says :
    Application Ineligible
    This application does not currently qualify for community items. You can upload and edit your community items but they will not be eligible for review or release.
    The status of your game is automatically reviewed daily. Community items may be enabled once your game reaches certain thresholds in Steam sales activity, along with community and player behavior

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    266 Posts

  • #17, by brut69Monday, 03. July 2017, 16:48 7 years ago
    Steam replied. They did not like my EULA so I have to make changes to it and re-submit it , plus I had the game set as Early Access and they said that I can't do that just yet.
    Luckily for me my godfather is a lawyer so he is helping me fix the EULA...
    News again in 2-3 business days

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    266 Posts

  • #18, by NigecMonday, 03. July 2017, 18:49 7 years ago
    if you have Facebook look for Christopher Brendel  or Unimatrix Productions (same person) He got adult themed games on IOS. Andriod, Kindle and Steam.. 
    His games are graphical IF, I think one of the above formats had to be a cut version

    Key Killer

    635 Posts

  • #19, by afrlmeMonday, 03. July 2017, 18:49 7 years ago
    Steam replied. They did not like my EULA so I have to make changes to it and re-submit it , plus I had the game set as Early Access and they said that I can't do that just yet.
    Luckily for me my godfather is a lawyer so he is helping me fix the EULA...
    News again in 2-3 business days

    Early Access is more for games you want to release immediately in current state for beta testing while still in development. Mostly multiplayer games made by indie devs release games in that state & it's rarely very pretty. Not possible to release in development games with VS as the save files would be void more or less each time you push a new update.


    7285 Posts

  • #20, by brut69Monday, 03. July 2017, 18:56 7 years ago
    Steam replied. They did not like my EULA so I have to make changes to it and re-submit it , plus I had the game set as Early Access and they said that I can't do that just yet.
    Luckily for me my godfather is a lawyer so he is helping me fix the EULA...
    News again in 2-3 business days

    Early Access is more for games you want to release immediately in current state for beta testing while still in development. Mostly multiplayer games made by indie devs release games in that state & it's rarely very pretty. Not possible to release in development games with VS as the save files would be void more or less each time you push a new update.
    Actually that is what I thought too , since the game was (not anymore) in Beta when I first posted it 10 days ago.
    Their remark was that "Early Access" are for games that the consumers can have an effect on the game. Since my game outline is pretty much done , then it does not qualify as "Early Access" but as "Coming Soon" release. 
    I fixed that part and resubmitted. I am also done with the gameplay trailer , posting it there first so it will be on the store and shortly after I will post it here on via youtube

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