Visionaire Studio 4.2.5 Released

  • #30, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 01. December 2015, 09:21 9 years ago
    Has anyone tested 3d models in this update? Cause this update doesnt load the .X files for 3d stuff :\ .Even the 3d characters doesnt work.

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  • #31, by DilatedTuesday, 01. December 2015, 09:24 9 years ago
    Yo Akcay,

    Haven't tested the 3d models, but using the Spine files, character animations appear in the check list, but missing the visuals. Also seems to crash frequently with the files. I could be doing it wrong somehow though, who knows.

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  • #32, by SimonSTuesday, 01. December 2015, 09:42 9 years ago
    Guys, don't fight about how everyone does their game. Character turning is not yet possible integrated in the engine because it's a complicated feature. I haven't seen the way how to do it, and everyone seems to have different expectations. Speaking of which what are yours ? wink I'm collecting.

    Akcay, obviously there's a bug, we'll collect the bugs for now, you want a build ? Just PN me.

    The spine runtime isn't very stable, just some small things are broken and it crashes. The images often show up over the viewport just move a little around. Also in the editor there are some things broken, better look how it looks in the player.

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  • #33, by gustyTuesday, 01. December 2015, 10:10 9 years ago
    Simon: I think that character turning animation doesn't have to be anything fancy and over-complicated. I captured this little study from Dracula game - even it's 3D character, I think something like that could work on 2D character as well.
    video here

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  • #34, by JoelTuesday, 01. December 2015, 10:23 9 years ago
    Well, i think a kind of a "Complete Keyboard Controls for Dummies" would be kind of on my wishlist and maybe a way to do this with Actionparts or something wink There are so many factors going into it but i have no idea about Lua unfortunately...

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  • #35, by unrealTuesday, 01. December 2015, 12:09 9 years ago
    I've downloaded the last Mac full version of Visionaire Studio here. Still v4.2 and not v4.2.5 and same problem with text borders.

    What did I do wrong ?


    66 Posts

  • #36, by afrlmeTuesday, 01. December 2015, 12:21 9 years ago
    Well, i think a kind of a "Complete Keyboard Controls for Dummies" would be kind of on my wishlist and maybe a way to do this with Actionparts or something wink There are so many factors going into it but i have no idea about Lua unfortunately...

    I believe you could do partial keyboard support via key event actions alone. Some things you may need to use Lua for though. The keyboard / gamepad script Simon posted to one of the messages on this thread is plug & play albeit it's not perfect & has no comments written into the code, so it's a little hard for anyone else to reverse engineer it - I think he wrote it like that just as a quick example though.

    Anyway... pretty much all keyboard keys (except a few special ones) can be accessed through the key actions tab under game. The same can be said about gamepad buttons too - all except from the left & right axis stick movement (can access the axis button presses though).

    In regards to movement... from what I've understood from looking over the script & speaking to Simon briefly yesterday, he has created a new function that allows us to create single instances of events such as calling the left access move left event or a mouse button event or whatever.

    Basically you could turn any button or key into a trigger to call the mouse left button pressed &/or released event if you really wanted. Hopefully there will be a page / documentation at some point which lists all of the available events (of use) for the createEvent function & keycodes / modifiers (most used / common ones) for the keyboard event handler.

    As for people asking for Character rotation... it is complicated. There's multiple approaches that could be taken, such as: having the character rotate from current direction to next direction using the amount of directions you have, but it won't look very nice. For smooth rotation you need more frames than simply cycling through the 8 directions your characters probably have. You also have to calculate the shortest route to the destination & whether the character should rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise. Then there's the matter of begin rotation animation > actual rotation > end rotation animation. Finally should the character stop before rotating or should they only be allowed to rotate if the difference is over 90 or 180 degrees from the characters current facing direction.

    Anyway... the most smoothest method I can think of is to actually create the animations for each one. Two per direction. One for clockwise & the other for anti-clockwise. Animate the character rotating from current direction back to current direction in both ways. Use Lua to force the frames or even add code into the relevant frame positions themselves to check if it is target direction to stop current animation & play x end rotation animation then align char to x direction. Like I said... there's tons of different methods!


    7285 Posts

  • #37, by tristan-kangTuesday, 01. December 2015, 12:52 9 years ago
    I remember AGS has character turning animation function. If it is open source game engine how about checking its mechanism? Then maybe, it would be simple to solve it.

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  • #38, by SimonSTuesday, 01. December 2015, 13:41 9 years ago
    The AGS turning system is bad, it just uses the first image of the standing animation, nobody here would use that.

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  • #39, by JoelTuesday, 01. December 2015, 13:46 9 years ago
    The AGS turning system is bad, it just uses the first image of the standing animation, nobody here would use that.

    Kinda does the trick though and might make some people happy until a better system is in place smile

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  • #40, by marvelTuesday, 01. December 2015, 14:15 9 years ago
    I tell you something you don't wanna hear: Turning animations are nice for a few BUT annoying for many. Did you know that none of the successful daedalic games has a character rotation? Not even Stasis has one. Nor Paradigm or "The Inner world"... smile Nevertheless, the people do love these games. Don't underestimate the effect of a direct control.

    Such things (Turns) are nice for a special kind of adventure games - the realistic ones. And I believe almost no one here is going to create a realistic adventure game at the moment.

    But, anyways... for sure we want to create a solution for a better and more realistic walkcycle. We're at it... but it just needs time and there are several open construction sites at the moment.

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