Up-World's website is up ! And the Demo is LIVE !!!

  • #30, by bananeisafreeSunday, 04. September 2016, 14:01 8 years ago
    And there is the mac version smile

    Mac version Download

    Again. This has not been tested.
    If you could give us some feedback on the quality of the whole thing. We would then proceed to put it on our Download page smile

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  • #31, by sebastianSunday, 04. September 2016, 14:49 8 years ago
    just downloading it.
    @Afrlme: regarding Windows. This includes having a valid windows license available, right wink?

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  • #32, by afrlmeSunday, 04. September 2016, 15:11 8 years ago
    Meh! Pirated or bought, it's irrelevant to me. Personally I bought mine for just under €10. Opium Pulses online store have a limited amount of OEM licenses from Microsoft for windows 7, 8.1 & windows 10 - all pro x64 versions - for around €10 to €20 per license. Super cheap.

    http://opiumpulses.com/store/1257/windows-7-professional (€10.98)
    http://www.opiumpulses.com/store/1258/windows-8-1-professional (€12.05)
    http://opiumpulses.com/store/1259/windows-10-professional (€17.25)

    P.S: the prices on the site fluctuate up & down, but they always have great discounts on most things they have in stock.


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  • #33, by sebastianSunday, 04. September 2016, 18:09 8 years ago
    just played the tech demo. Seems to work without any errors so far =)
    Great sound an animation.
    Also a good approach on the inventory system which comes only up when interacting with other objects (so exactly the other way around what "modern" adventures do). Last time i saw it in very old adventure games where items were only indicated by its names in a list ^^.
    How do inventory combination puzzles work then? Does the player have access to the inventory besides interacting with objects in the future?

    I don't know what I should think about the mix of high and low resolution pixel art, but personally I am always a bit confused about these mixtures. Its like "not real pixel art" for me when such trickery is inside, even if it looks grear
    t razz But thats only a personal opinion.

    All in all a great tech demo.

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  • #34, by HayaSunday, 04. September 2016, 18:47 8 years ago
    Thank you so much for your feedback ! It's greatly appreciated and it makes our little creative hearts beat warmer.

    How do inventory combination puzzles work then? Does the player have access to the inventory besides interacting with objects in the future?

    Yep, You've got it right ! grin
    In the future the "Inventory" will always be available, just like the radio to call your crew.
    And in it, you'll be able to make combination puzzles happen.

    I don't know what I should think about the mix of high and low resolution pixel art, but personally I am always a bit confused about these mixtures. Its like "not real pixel art" for me when such trickery is inside, even if it looks great razz But thats only a personal opinion.

    I understand perfectly what you mean. As much as I like this demo, all I can see is how better I could have made everything look. Including my "mixing resolution of textures ". I feel it should be a technique that when done properly won't be visible unless you look very very close for it. And yet makes the whole thing look better.
    In that way feel less of a "cheat" but more of an evolution of the style.
    I feel using it well is a question of nuance and I'll get better with time.
    For this, I look forward to show you my new work and hear your opinion on it.

    Thanks again for taking the time to test and comment ! =)


    4 Posts

  • #35, by bananeisafreeSunday, 04. September 2016, 19:24 8 years ago
    Thank you for the feedback smile, really appreciate it!

    First things first, about the inventory.
    We spent a fair amount of time trying to figure what could be both "elegant" (for a lack of better word) and efficient (understand "that would not make the player want to destroy the whole world if he is stuck and that damn interface is just freaking irritating !").
    Out of a lot of possibilities, the right click "interface coin" felt the better choice, as it remind us of the right click on every OS (computer wise, at least). And would therefore be something that would be easily understood as game mechanic for a large portion of users (I realize that only a handful of people are going to play that demo, but still ... ).
    The problem of how to deal with the inventory was the following :
    If we implemented a real inventory, we would have want to have the ability to "right click" every items, which means that it could not be "inside" the interface coin.
    We looked for several games that used the verb coin mechanic. Two of them stood out.
    Gemini rue and Leisure suit Larry : love for sail (you know someone is real about video games when he uses a leisure suit game as a reference :p )
    Geminie rue went for a "everything is on one plane" kind of approach.
    The interface was minimalist and the whole interface coin held the actions and the inventory. the amount of item a character had at any given time was very limited (which kept the moon logic rater pretty low on this game) and at no point there were inventory puzzle. All the items were to be used on a scene object.
    To be fair I only noticed it when doing the research for our game.
    On my first playtrought a few years ago, it did not hit me on any way.
    The fact that the game has other kind of interface and gizmos (a radio, a whole gunfight mechanic etc ...) and the fact that the story was enticing enough for me to overlook the puzzle mechanics was enough.
    Leisure suit is on the opposite side of the spectrum. You have your interface coin and an inventory button on the screen. You can use the interface coin on every item in the inventory screen.
    You had a "combine" button on the interface coin that would then right the whole list of item you had on another "right click window"... but in plain text ...

    after looking for alternatives, we decided that, for the demo, and its whole 3 inventory objects, we would add no "real" inventory, Gemini rue style. Since we had not inventory puzzle of any sort, It would limit the amount of work it would meant for me.

    For the real game, what we have in mind is using a system similar the leisure suits but in a less ... A LOT LESS ... cumbersome way.
    It will be part of the "mechanical arm" interface that we are working on, to give it a special feel.
    One thing we tried to do is to make the interface feel like it is part of the universe. And we are working on doing the same with the inventory.

    On the graphic pixely matter :

    Pixel Art is a very loose term indeed. And as you said, in it core, it is really taking big squary dots of the same size and making something gorgeous out of it, just like they did in the old days.
    Basically wen we use it, we think more "pixel inspired / pixelised oriented art thingy ?".
    So yeah ... We use Pixel art for a lack of a better word I guess (thought I'm pretty sure "Pixelised oriented art thingy" coud catch on ... as an acronym maybe ? POAT ? "My game is made in POAT style" ..."I'm a POAT artist"... Does this sound catchy to you ?... we'll see ).
    But remember, what you got on this game is both recent and very ...VERY old work. When our artist was just discovering pixel art. She posted some more recent stuff on the website if you are interested.

    Anyhow ... Long post ! damn !
    Hope it answers the questions !
    Thank you again SOOOO much for playing that damn demo. And thank you even more for the feedback!


    Edit : Of course she answered before me ... I knew that ... We are a well coordinated team !

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  • #36, by bananeisafreeFriday, 16. September 2016, 08:29 8 years ago
    Hello everyone !

    A quick message to let you know that we put our game trough the Greenlight process !

    If you ever feel like it, do not hesitate to give us a little vote here !

    Incidentally, we also released a trailer and a nice gameplay footage video.
    you can find them on the Greenlight page or on YouTube :


    Gameplay footage (it got a nice music !)

    Finally we released a Linux version of the demo ! You can get it here.

    Have a good one


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  • #37, by sebastianFriday, 16. September 2016, 16:45 8 years ago
    congratulations for being greenlit =)

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  • #38, by bananeisafreeFriday, 16. September 2016, 18:16 8 years ago
    Ho thanks, but we are not greenit yet :p.

    We paid the Fee and posted our project to the official Greenlight service.
    Now the votes of the community (and other strange Steam shenanigans) will determine if the game could get officially greenlit and as such, would appear on the steam store upon completion.

    I'm just gonna pretend that you are a time traveller, back from the future when, indeed, the game is greenlit ! :p

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  • #39, by sebastianFriday, 16. September 2016, 18:32 8 years ago
    oh... thought that greenlight is the case when a game got acceoted already, not that there is a process before it xD (im not often using steam and its mechanics)

    will vote for the game though

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  • #40, by bananeisafreeFriday, 16. September 2016, 18:40 8 years ago
    Yeah... It's true that when you take it out of context, when you tell someone that you are on greenlight, it would means that you had the confirmation, not that you are waiting for it.
    *jazz hands* MARKETING ! *jazz hands*

    Thank you for the vote wink
    Greatly appreciate it !

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