Up-World's website is up ! And the Demo is LIVE !!!

  • #20, by cpt_capslockWednesday, 27. July 2016, 14:45 9 years ago
    first time i say this : i will buy this game
    upworld -- looks MORE than promising


    13 Posts

  • #21, by bananeisafreeWednesday, 03. August 2016, 02:35 9 years ago
    Well ... thank's a lot friend !
    That is more than we could ask for ... especialy for the little we gave at the moment.
    We are working hard on the demo, the voice recording took waaaaaay longer than expected, and we really want to make it as tolerable as possible..
    I will of course post a link to a direct download here when it is aviable (again if it is ok with the mods).

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  • #22, by afrlmeWednesday, 03. August 2016, 03:12 9 years ago
    Yeah you don't have to ask permission to share content related to gaming / game development here; especially if it's your own stuff & / or point & click related. wink

    P.S: we have no mods & by mods I'm assuming that you mean "moderators"? Yeah, no we definitely don't have any of those!


    7285 Posts

  • #23, by bananeisafreeThursday, 01. September 2016, 03:51 9 years ago
    The Demo is UP !
    Well holidays are over and all excuses have been spent...
    The demo is finally there for everyone to enjoy !

    Well when I say Demo, it's more of a proof of concept, but you know ... Who cares about semantic ? Demo sounds neat and we are keeping it !

    You can go to our website to download it :


    Feel free to play, judge, comment even share if you feel like it !

    This demo though is not part of the game we are working on. It's a "side story" set in the same universe and some of the characters are involved.

    Technically we were working on a scene test to familiarize ourselves with pixel art and the Visionaire Engine and decided to try and turn that very first try into a playable game.
    The game is complete with voice acting, an original score and various sounds for those who enjoy bips and bops as much as we do !

    Hope you fine folks enjoy it !



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  • #24, by jmbmSaturday, 03. September 2016, 00:53 9 years ago
    Really nice graphics, nice music, nice voice-acting, nice atmosphere and the story seems interesting...uff, the only thing i don't like that much is the character-animation.

    Great work, i really like it and can't wait to see more of it!


    27 Posts

  • #25, by HayaSaturday, 03. September 2016, 14:44 9 years ago
    Really nice graphics, nice music, nice voice-acting, nice atmosphere and the story seems interesting...uff, the only thing i don't like that much is the character-animation.

    Great work, i really like it and can't wait to see more of it!

    Thanks you very much for your feedback ! We're happy to hear you enjoyed the demo.

    Also, I agree with you: the character animation can be made better. And with everything I've learned from this demo, I know it will be ! I've linked the latest animation test I've been working on, I think you'll see the difference right away. smile

    Also if you or anyone else reading this is interested, we made a Facebook Page for the game.
    So give us a little like if you fancy that sort of things !
    => www.facebook.com/Up-World-The-Game-312081645804454/


    4 Posts

  • #26, by sebastianSaturday, 03. September 2016, 23:05 9 years ago
    I would really like to test the game but sadly i only can use my mac :/ Any ways to get a mac version here?

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  • #27, by bananeisafreeSunday, 04. September 2016, 10:50 9 years ago
    Yes of course !
    Note that it wont be tested.
    So if you feel like it, report any major trouble you'll have smile

    It will be uploaded in a hour or so. I'll keep you posted !

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  • #28, by afrlmeSunday, 04. September 2016, 12:25 9 years ago
    I would really like to test the game but sadly i only can use my mac :/ Any ways to get a mac version here?

    Do you not have a VM installed on your mac or bootcamp version of windows for testing windows stuff? I ended up installing Parallels on the mac mini I have, but in my case it's just as backup in case my main laptop (windows) dies on me.

    Anyway... played a little bit of the demo, but it was late when I tried it & I didn't have my thinking cap on, so will try again later on in the week sometime. Pixel art looked nice, no idea about the puzzles as my brain was like mush at the time. Voice acting grated a little as the accent of your main character seemed to swap accents with each speech recording, but I guess it's not that important & at least you managed to record & include a talkie voice over. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #29, by bananeisafreeSunday, 04. September 2016, 13:13 9 years ago
    Yeah, recording for the main character was a bit of a bumpy ride.
    Due to time constrains we ended up recording on different machines, different places ad several days of interval.
    Our sound guy (whom was not involved in the recording itself, as he lives in another city) did his best to homogenized the whole thing ... but yeah...
    For the sake of not spending too much money, we did the voice acting ourselves for the demo.
    For the real game, professionals voice actors will be hired if all goes according to plan :p.

    But again, thank you for checking us out AFRLme.

    (the mac version is almost up).

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  • #30, by bananeisafreeSunday, 04. September 2016, 14:01 9 years ago
    And there is the mac version smile

    Mac version Download

    Again. This has not been tested.
    If you could give us some feedback on the quality of the whole thing. We would then proceed to put it on our Download page smile

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