@Unreal : thx mate

. We will be upping some screenshots and concept arts as time goes, that and the "demo wich is not a demo, more of our first shot with visionaire", both should give you some satisffying tease.
@MasterAFRLme :
Yep the podcast is ... what it is :p
And we warned you in the title !
We were both nervous and we would have redone it in other circumstances.
But, we want it to be a 30 minute top investment each week (reccording + some low level editing). So we went with our first shot. and decided to face the circumstances ! :p
I'm confident that the quality will improve with time and experience ... I think ... I hope ... Oh god please make it go better!
The expressions you'll hear come from our pop culture.
As you said we are french, and we mostly learned English trough books, movies, and mainly games.
And since we both are on the theatrical side of the weird, we tend to reproduce the idioms that we enjoyed and wished we had in our mother thong.
I mean, you have now idea how boring "sister of mine" sounds in french !
The game will indeed be pixel graphics. We are going for a 256 colour mood, we are cheating though, in order to use bigger resolutions.
Basically we grew up in the 90's and those were the kind of graphics we played with. And some of my best childhood memory are linked to games such as sam&max, Day of the tentacle, Prisoner of ice, the dig and quite importantly Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis, which is, for me one of the best around.
We would like for this game to reproduce the sense of wonder we had when playing those game. Basically you got enough information in your drawing to know exactly how cool or awesome the character is, but its pixelised enough so you still have to imagine the details. This is what makes us tick !
Thank you for taking the time to check us out

the both of you.