Up-World's website is up ! And the Demo is LIVE !!!

  • #40, by bananeisafreeFriday, 16. September 2016, 18:40 9 years ago
    Yeah... It's true that when you take it out of context, when you tell someone that you are on greenlight, it would means that you had the confirmation, not that you are waiting for it.
    *jazz hands* MARKETING ! *jazz hands*

    Thank you for the vote wink
    Greatly appreciate it !

    Forum Fan

    120 Posts

  • #41, by bananeisafreeWednesday, 19. October 2016, 13:19 9 years ago
    Hello you, the team and I would like to share a fantastic piece of information :


    This could not have happened without you !
    So thank you everyone for your support. We can't wait to show you the whole game, and we are more pumped than ever.

    Again, Thank you !


    Forum Fan

    120 Posts

  • #42, by NigecWednesday, 19. October 2016, 14:00 9 years ago
    Well done smile
    I've just played the demo and enjoyed it wink

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #43, by bananeisafreeWednesday, 19. October 2016, 15:07 9 years ago
    Thank you very much !
    Glad you enjoyed it grin

    Forum Fan

    120 Posts

  • #44, by sebastianWednesday, 19. October 2016, 15:33 9 years ago
    great news.  looking forward to the game smile 

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #45, by marvelMonday, 24. October 2016, 12:35 9 years ago
    Please write a blog post about the game, Steam Greenlight and your demo! smile

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #46, by bananeisafreeMonday, 24. October 2016, 13:56 9 years ago
    Will do ! smile

    Forum Fan

    120 Posts

  • #47, by marvelWednesday, 26. October 2016, 11:51 9 years ago
    Will do ! smile
    Very good! smile

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #48, by sebastianThursday, 11. January 2018, 21:51 7 years ago
    what happened to this project by the way...
    Does someone know something about it? Cant find any news since 1+ year on their social media sites

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #49, by afrlmeThursday, 11. January 2018, 23:53 7 years ago
    They are still working on it I believe mate. They are also on the Discord server if you didn't notice. wink

    I guess they are lazy or forgetful like me & Marian in regards to keeping on top of social media & blog updates. I can never be bothered. I know it's important, but it's bloody dull.


    7285 Posts

  • #50, by bananeisafreeFriday, 12. January 2018, 12:53 7 years ago
    First : thank you for the interest you give to our game ! Was not expecting people to wonder about us grin
    Second :
    Yeah, AFRLme quind of sums it up.

    I'm not very good with Social Media in general (I don't even have a Facebook page of my own)

    But To give you a quick update : 
    We are still working on the project.
    We have new offices and moving took longer time than expected :p
    We have been contracted for a lot of side jobs wich allowed us to keep the project up but sadly slowed the production down a tad.

    We really need to get our media presence up though... And that is definitly on me grin
    I'm gonna annoy Haya for some more Art that she would feel confident to sahre with the rest of us to decorate our blog and Facebook page.

    Again thank you for remembering us !
    I was really surprise to see that subject poping up on the message board grin!

    Forum Fan

    120 Posts