#10, by afrlmeFriday, 08. July 2016, 12:58 9 years ago
Pixel art has always been a bit hit & miss for me. I really enjoyed it in Simon the Sorcerer 1 as they crammed in loads of tiny details into the environments & animations in general, though I would like to see an HD remake of it, maybe something done in a similar art style to that of Child of Light. I used to like cartoons as a kid (like most kids, I guess) which is probably why Monkey Island 3 really appealed to me at the time. I also liked the fact that the animators can be a lot more dynamic with animations when you can actually 100% tell what is going on.
I'm not so keep on 3D adventure games, I also find generic animations in 3D games annoying because the 3D artists should be able to rig up new animations due to skeletons / bones a lot easier & faster than an artist hand drawing frames 1 at a time.
The German title is similar to your French title, Baphomets Fluch, don't ask me what it means as I forgot. I've never understood why most countries never use a direct translation of the VO title. Spain is quite notorious for coming up with completely random titles for translated movies, tv shows & games etc.
I've played the first 4 Broken Sword games & the first episode of Broken Sword 5, got to get around to finishing that at some point.