Problem with the Lightmap

  • #10, by caligarimarteFriday, 29. September 2017, 23:03 7 years ago
    Can someone get this on the bug-list?
    Kann das mit dem "Scaling / Falschpositionieren der Lightmap" jemand auf die Bugliste setzen?
    Also ich habe es zwar auf keine Bugliste gesetzt (haben wir irgendwo so eine richtige, offizielle Bugliste?), aber ich habe es vor drei Wochen in dem RC2-Thread erwähnt, auch mit illustrierendem Bildchen ( -- darauf gab es zwar keinerlei Resonanz, aber wenn wir alle mit vereinten Kräften nur lang und laut genug darauf verweisen, wie dramatisch die Lightmaps doch broken sind, dann wird sich Simon gewiss ein Herz nehmen und sich evtl. mal darum kümmern.

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    145 Posts

  • #11, by Philipp StumppSaturday, 30. September 2017, 13:25 7 years ago
    Is Simon the only coder for Visionaire Studio?


    Ist Simon der einzige Coder für Visionaire?

    I know he is doing a lot of code, so hail to Simon. Simon, we implore you! 

    Beschwörung, Beschwörung! Simon, heiliger Mann!

    Liebe Grüße, Philipp 


    54 Posts

  • #12, by afrlmeSaturday, 30. September 2017, 13:46 7 years ago
    He's the most active coder for VS these days. I believe Alex still does a bit of coding now & then too - like the recent changes to the movement system for the walk system.

    If you want to flag his attention faster, then consider joining our Discord server & you can ask him to check out your thread. Invite link is in the news article at the top of the forum board.


    7285 Posts

  • #13, by DrGonzoMonday, 02. October 2017, 12:10 7 years ago
    Yes, this must be caused by the engine/player.
    I mentioned it before, having problems with the lightmaps in VS5. They weren't even shown properly when opening projects I had working in the previous version 4.2.
    Glad I'm not the only one smile It almost drove me nuts


    21 Posts

  • #14, by SimonSFriday, 06. October 2017, 14:29 7 years ago
    Okay, I found the problem and I am a little embarassed, it's fixed in the next update.

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    1582 Posts

  • #15, by Philipp StumppFriday, 06. October 2017, 18:47 7 years ago
    Simon, you are our hero! 

    Thanx a lot smile

    Greetings, Phil

    (Guter Mann, guuuuuter Mann!)


    54 Posts

  • #16, by caligarimarteFriday, 06. October 2017, 20:37 7 years ago
    Höchst erfreulich! : )

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