Visionaire RC2 Bugfix Update Changelog

  • #20, by caligarimarteThursday, 07. September 2017, 00:37 8 years ago
    While testing Vis5's new Turn Animation-Capability, I noticed that the Turn Animations, just like other Animations, offer an Option to use a mirrored Version of an already existing Animation of the same Category... except when I click on it, there are no Animations listed, even though there already are other Animations in the same Category. Instead the Dropdown-Menu merely reads "[empty]" (bzw. "[leer]" zu deutsch).

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  • #21, by saintandsimonSaturday, 16. September 2017, 23:46 8 years ago
    Hi! I found a bug, I think. 

    When running on current scene, it ran the sound from the original "run scene" (which scene was picked in game properties). The current scene was in no way near the first scene, and had no actions or conditions so it couldn't have played the music unless it was a bug. 


    85 Posts

  • #22, by TinTinThursday, 21. September 2017, 06:50 8 years ago
    Isn't any news for stable release ?
    I'm sure almost all of users wants work with V5 instead 4.  I remember Thomas said that release is early 2016 as it's 21 september now and we haven't a stable release yet!!!
    There is some bugs and feature that it's not complete yet .
    "wait until character reached destination" doesn't work , Shaders doesn't work on Andorid , iOS is not ready yet (This feature to be supposed to VS4) , Sounds have some bugs for play, Physics is not integrate to engine yet , ....

    AGS (Adventure game studio) have great on release updates as it's free and open source. As we can't trust to VS5 for our projects yet. Please think for open bug tracker to froum and update engine every weeked.At least for major bugs.
    Sorry but your progress is so slow . I'm sure you don't want lose your customers so tell me what to do.

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  • #23, by dionousThursday, 21. September 2017, 08:01 8 years ago
    As we can't trust to VS5 for our projects yet
    I will disagree with that, you can definitely trust current VS5 RC2 for your projects. We also use it for our project perfectly.

    Do you have any specific problem in your project with current VS5?

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  • #24, by TinTinThursday, 21. September 2017, 08:22 8 years ago

    Do you have any specific problem in your project with current VS5?

    Did you read complete my post ?
    "wait until character reached destination" doesn't work ............

    How did you follow your story with this bug ? I have high obsession for per operation into the game . I make my games with storyboard and exposure sheet step by step  

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  • #25, by marvelThursday, 21. September 2017, 13:30 8 years ago
    "Wait until character reached destination" works for me. Probably you have a completely different problem (maybe with a not working script or a missing cutscene).

    And I don't believe our progress to be slow. We already made several updates in the last couple of weeks. Look for example to the character rotation or the new sound system. These are functions we just recently created.

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #26, by TinTinThursday, 21. September 2017, 14:31 8 years ago
    "Wait until character reached destination" works for me. Probably you have a completely different problem (maybe with a not working script or a missing cutscene).

    And I don't believe our progress to be slow. We already made several updates in the last couple of weeks. Look for example to the character rotation or the new sound system. These are functions we just recently created.
    It doesn't work for me. I haven't different problem too.It's just after a simple display text.

    Your progress is slow. You still haven't a stable version from first year until now.
    When you released VS 4.0 you mention in your header site that it have Android and iOS too. That's why I bought it. But I never couldn't use it for my projects because both had problem . I stick to other my games in other genres and finished them and wait for your engine as my many assets is ready . At the moment Android have problem with shaders and iOS is not ready yet.

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  • #27, by marvelThursday, 21. September 2017, 16:26 8 years ago
    TinTin, If you have problems, please send us your game, describe your problem and we will check it out. But you don't help us by telling us "it doesn't work for me". You could also upload screenshots of your action part. Maybe we can find the problem there. 

    And please tell us about your shader problems. Which kind of shaders? Please send us your game or a short demo of the problem so that we can test it. 

    And please also remember that there already are visionaire games in the iOS Market - like for example:

    Whispered World: 

    Game Royale 2

    Game Royale 1

    The automatic export is still not available in Visionaire 5, thats true.  But it is possible to create and release games for iOS, as you can see in the upper list. If you urgently need help with exports, probably Simon can help you with that. 

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #28, by TinTinThursday, 21. September 2017, 16:40 8 years ago
    Please see here: " border="0" alt="" />
    For shaders : I use shader toolkit that made complete black screen on Android .You can test example shader toolkit (ripple1,2....)

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  • #29, by marvelThursday, 21. September 2017, 16:44 8 years ago
    Please see here: " border="0" alt="" />
    For shaders : I use shader toolkit that made complete black screen on Android

    Please use the regular image uploader that we provide in this forum instead of linking to external images.

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #30, by marvelThursday, 21. September 2017, 16:47 8 years ago
    About the "send character and wait" action part. It is not working this way. You need to add all these action parts within a cutscene! 

    1. Start cutscene
    2. Send character TO XY and wait
    3. End cutscene

    You can also deactivate the mouse instead of starting a cutscene. But you have to prevent the user to take on control, as it would affect/end the send character action.

    Key Killer

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