Visionaire RC2 Bugfix Update Changelog

  • #10, by ygmantellTuesday, 05. September 2017, 14:42 8 years ago
    Also using XPS 9560, and it seems to happen with some other programs too, I just only put two and two together now, and realized whats happening. Its the graphics settings.

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    274 Posts

  • #11, by loro-gamesTuesday, 05. September 2017, 16:06 8 years ago
    Wow very nice stuff ! Any teasing about what changes we can expect to the audiosystem? 


    64 Posts

  • #12, by ygmantellTuesday, 05. September 2017, 19:00 8 years ago
    There's now an "Output bus" option for sounds, that defaults to empty.
    I don't have to go back and set all of them for every "Play sound" action part in my game, right?  I can leave them at empty?
    EDIT: After Playing the game, I see that there's no issue.  I meant in the long run.

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    274 Posts

  • #13, by afrlmeTuesday, 05. September 2017, 20:59 8 years ago
    There's now an "Output bus" option for sounds, that defaults to empty.
    I don't have to go back and set all of them for every "Play sound" action part in my game, right?  I can leave them at empty?
    EDIT: After Playing the game, I see that there's no issue.  I meant in the long run.
    I believe the sound engine section is still a wip... I'd just wait until Simon has done working on it.


    7285 Posts

  • #14, by sebastianWednesday, 06. September 2017, 00:18 8 years ago
    Great version smile
    no new bugs so far (yay).

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  • #15, by redsparkWednesday, 06. September 2017, 13:29 8 years ago
    Love the new documentation!  Could the wiki link to it?  Or the Help menu?

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  • #16, by afrlmeWednesday, 06. September 2017, 13:35 8 years ago
    Love the new documentation!  Could the wiki link to it?  Or the Help menu?

    Should probably be added to main website header menu or at least as dropdown menu under the wiki if there's not enough space.

    You back? Still planning on making some new tutorials?

    Also we now have a discord server, check the news blocks at the top of the forum for the link or the pinned tweet on twitter. Feel free to join up - but only if you want to. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #17, by caligarimarteWednesday, 06. September 2017, 13:35 8 years ago
    When adding some Sounds, I noticed the Selection for File Extensions is faultily empty -- it does work, but you cannot see what you are selecting. (That is on Windows 7.)

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    145 Posts

  • #18, by redsparkWednesday, 06. September 2017, 18:28 8 years ago
    You back? Still planning on making some new tutorials?
    Yes and yes.  I would have started sooner but had a bunch of family issues come up that took a few months to solve.  I'm planning on starting up slowly but surely.  I wont be doing any more tutorials for V4 -- only V5.

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  • #19, by wimfWednesday, 06. September 2017, 21:43 8 years ago
    wow, amazing

    thank you Simon

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    238 Posts

  • #20, by caligarimarteThursday, 07. September 2017, 00:37 8 years ago
    While testing Vis5's new Turn Animation-Capability, I noticed that the Turn Animations, just like other Animations, offer an Option to use a mirrored Version of an already existing Animation of the same Category... except when I click on it, there are no Animations listed, even though there already are other Animations in the same Category. Instead the Dropdown-Menu merely reads "[empty]" (bzw. "[leer]" zu deutsch).

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