Visionaire RC2 Bugfix Update Changelog

  • #50, by afrlmeSaturday, 23. September 2017, 22:21 8 years ago
    I recommend using the number input boxes to move them. Click a frame. Set the onion frame. Select the number input box & just use the arrow keys on keyboard to adjust/nudge the values - works much more precise than via the mouse.

    Quick note: Alex recently adjusted how the movement works. Now works with absolute pixels instead of whatever the movement value nonsense was before, which means you can now duplicate the animation & adjust the delay between animation frames to speed up or slow down the walk or even use Lua in-game to adjust walk speed of the animation - which is probably a better idea as you don't need to have the walk animation reset that way. smile


    7285 Posts

  • #51, by esmeraldaSunday, 24. September 2017, 11:09 8 years ago
    @TinTin: did you uncheck the box "sliding walk animations"? I had the same problem as you because I forgot to uncheck it.

    Argh! I don't seem to be able to switch back to sliding walk animation. If I check the box the character moves only a few pixels with every step, no matter what walking speed I choose. Resetting the character movement (box with the "X") doesn't change the values in the input box.

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #52, by TinTinSunday, 24. September 2017, 14:18 8 years ago
    @TinTin: did you uncheck the box "sliding walk animations"? I had the same problem as you because I forgot to uncheck it.
       Thanks a lot esmeralda . I uncheck it and works now.
       It's great idea for use number input box for move them as ARFLme said it.

    Forum Fan

    196 Posts

  • #53, by esmeraldaSunday, 08. October 2017, 20:12 8 years ago

    New features:
    - Show object by value like conditions

    This is a great feature.
    It would be perfect if dialog parts also could be shown by value (not only by condintions).
    Could you please implement that? (if it's not too much of a hassle)

    Key Killer

    535 Posts