Yes, I've got to admit that I'm not very fond of the new statement. I'm not even sure when that got added to the main download / start page. For me, that saying does not inspire confidence.
Creating the menu, is the hardest part of making a game in Visionaire Studio; well a decent menu, at any rate. There's lots of things that can go wrong as they often require loads of conditions, values & if queries to make sure all your buttons & save menus etc, are working as they should.
The config.ini is a little hard to explain, as it's mostly for professional / commercial based games where it is important for the game to remember the players option configuration, each time they boot up the game. Most indie games can probably get away with a minimal menu system.
- new game
- continue
- credits
- quit
They may also let you adjust the brightness or volume levels but that's about as complex as they get.
In regards to the read / write config.ini script I wrote: most of the parameters are not recognized by the engine itself. Most of them have to be manually read & then you define what should happen based on what the line returns. So you set a condition or a value, or start an action or play an animation, based on what each line says.
The language line should define which text language is set on game launch, however you can also trigger that manually yourself based on what that line returns. So you could say..
-- not actual code, just an example...
if line = Language = English then
game.StandardLanguage = Languages["English"]
P.S: since 4.x there's actually 2 language outputs now. Text & Speech can be set independently from each other in case you only have one or two talkie languages but multiple text only languages.