professional / commercial based games where it is important for the game to remember the players option configuration, each time they boot up the game.'s not my intention to say things in a critical way, but in a constructive way instead, but Visionaire is a software that cost to us 1.400 Euro.
even the 49 or 99 license allow you to pubblish a game, but you have to pay 20% or something like that of royalty...
you HAVE to give me all you HAVE (i talk about the VisionaireTeam) to release a pro game. not a mere illusioni of it.
i don't think is to hard for they to give us a basic Config that include something like this:
Volume for speech sound and music
subtitle language
full screen yes or no
brightness control
Save game
reset option
because is that the intention of Visionaire. Do things without code.
and because there is no possibility to make a game without that.
And for they, is simple to implement that menu inside a basic configuration when you start a new project...
Visionaire is at 4 release..not the 1.0...
Really i do not understand what they think...
i had to pay 99E and i found difference from 3.7 to 4???
and last one.
if there is File that explane you how to do things(in 3.7 version) is because there is person like you that do things for helping people.
in Unity there is Adventure creator plugin that allow you to have a game with even the configuration menu. and really you don't need program skill.
(unfortunately for me is no suite for pixel art)
I like Visionaire, but in the end i really do not understand this lack.
for The code you give me thanks, but if there is no write / read config.ini at the moment that work on V4 there is no way to make that code works.
for me even changing the config.ini manually there is no way to make it work.
uhm i was thinking to pay some programmer to do that for me.
do you know any one?
p.s sorry for the long reply ^^