There is a way to have a control on read/write on config.ini in viosionaire?

  • #20, by afrlmeTuesday, 10. March 2015, 00:13 10 years ago
    Yes, I've got to admit that I'm not very fond of the new statement. I'm not even sure when that got added to the main download / start page. For me, that saying does not inspire confidence.

    Creating the menu, is the hardest part of making a game in Visionaire Studio; well a decent menu, at any rate. There's lots of things that can go wrong as they often require loads of conditions, values & if queries to make sure all your buttons & save menus etc, are working as they should.

    The config.ini is a little hard to explain, as it's mostly for professional / commercial based games where it is important for the game to remember the players option configuration, each time they boot up the game. Most indie games can probably get away with a minimal menu system.

    • new game
    • continue
    • credits
    • quit

    They may also let you adjust the brightness or volume levels but that's about as complex as they get.

    In regards to the read / write config.ini script I wrote: most of the parameters are not recognized by the engine itself. Most of them have to be manually read & then you define what should happen based on what the line returns. So you set a condition or a value, or start an action or play an animation, based on what each line says.

    The language line should define which text language is set on game launch, however you can also trigger that manually yourself based on what that line returns. So you could say..

    -- not actual code, just an example...
    if line = Language = English then
     game.StandardLanguage = Languages["English"]

    P.S: since 4.x there's actually 2 language outputs now. Text & Speech can be set independently from each other in case you only have one or two talkie languages but multiple text only languages.


    7285 Posts

  • #21, by MortoAllegroTuesday, 10. March 2015, 12:01 10 years ago
    professional / commercial based games where it is important for the game to remember the players option configuration, each time they boot up the game.'s not my intention to say things in a critical way, but in a constructive way instead, but Visionaire is a software that cost to us 1.400 Euro.
    even the 49 or 99 license allow you to pubblish a game, but you have to pay 20% or something like that of royalty...

    you HAVE to give me all you HAVE (i talk about the VisionaireTeam) to release a pro game. not a mere illusioni of it.
    i don't think is to hard for they to give us a basic Config that include something like this:

    Volume for speech sound and music
    subtitle language
    full screen yes or no
    brightness control
    Save game
    reset option

    because is that the intention of Visionaire. Do things without code.
    and because there is no possibility to make a game without that.
    And for they, is simple to implement that menu inside a basic configuration when you start a new project...

    Visionaire is at 4 release..not the 1.0...
    Really i do not understand what they think...

    i had to pay 99E and i found difference from 3.7 to 4???

    and last one.
    if there is File that explane you how to do things(in 3.7 version) is because there is person like you that do things for helping people.

    in Unity there is Adventure creator plugin that allow you to have a game with even the configuration menu. and really you don't need program skill.
    (unfortunately for me is no suite for pixel art)
    I like Visionaire, but in the end i really do not understand this lack.

    for The code you give me thanks, but if there is no write / read config.ini at the moment that work on V4 there is no way to make that code works.

    for me even changing the config.ini manually there is no way to make it work.

    uhm i was thinking to pay some programmer to do that for me.
    do you know any one?

    p.s sorry for the long reply ^^


    44 Posts

  • #22, by afrlmeTuesday, 10. March 2015, 13:07 10 years ago
    The read / write config.ini script I wrote, should work in both 3.7.1 & 4.x. (well it works on my windows machine, I don't have any other os for testing).'s not my intention to say things in a critical way, but in a constructive way instead, but Visionaire is a software that cost to us 1.400 Euro.
    even the 49 or 99 license allow you to pubblish a game, but you have to pay 20% or something like that of royalty...

    I am not sure where you got this from. The €1490 professional license is for people who have been contracted by a publisher to make a game, & / or intend on releasing their game as a boxed product in retail stores.

    The indie €49 & €99 licenses are for as many titles (games / projects) as you like. You can release (digitally) as many games as you like, to windows, mac & linux for whatever retail value you like, without any royalty fees to Visionaire Studio. It's a single payment which allows you to use all .x versions of the engine you purchased the license for. You get all updates between 4.0 & 4.99. At 5.0 you need to purchase a new license if you want to upgrade to 5.x; which frankly is still probably at least a year or two away.

    Yes I know a scripter - me? wink


    P.S: there is quite a lot of difference between 3.7.1 & 4.x. Also Thomas posted changelogs for each version, although the changelogs did not list all of the new features, optimizations or bug fixes.


    7285 Posts

  • #23, by MortoAllegroTuesday, 10. March 2015, 14:59 10 years ago
    ok, for the licensing i was wrong, I trusted friend of mine that read that somewhere...don't ask me where...

    i'm testing your file "advanced menu" on Win and Mac both.
    than, if you change settings and than leave the game.
    At the restart, a message "File was corrupted" appear on the screen.

    i use Visionaire 4.1 for make the build.

    may can i contact you by private message to explain the project and what we need?


    44 Posts

  • #24, by afrlmeTuesday, 10. March 2015, 15:21 10 years ago
    Sure. PM, email or skype is fine. Skype: AFRLme. Email: afrlme (at) outlook (dot) com.

    The advanced menu template was created a couple years ago, so some of the things may no longer be valid for 4.x. I am currently using a team build, but it should be back compatible with 4.1.

    P.S: the friend may not have been wrong, but that is old information. Thomas did try to introduce a royalties scheme into Visionaire before the final release version of Visionaire Studio 4.0, but it wasn't received very well & the licenses ended up getting rewritten to what they currently are.


    7285 Posts

  • #25, by MortoAllegroTuesday, 10. March 2015, 15:40 10 years ago
    ok now i try to write a comprensible mail to explain and show you exactly what we need, so you can calculate the costs of implementation.


    44 Posts