#25, by fulviovWednesday, 09. March 2016, 22:47 9 years ago
Update, just for the fun of it - I have just figured out that it's not the space that is breaking the sound, but the specific name I gave to the game.
So, I had originally used "Lobster Kyle" which breaks it, and then I tried removing the space which made it work.
But apparently it was not the space which is causing the issue, because "Lobster Kylo", "Lobster(space)(space)Kyle" (with 2 spaces) and all variations of the 2 words with and without spaces work just fine.
For some bizarre reason, "Lobster Kyle" breaks it, which is a word that I cannot find anywhere in the .ved, and is also not present in the path because the project folder is called in a totally different way.
Weird bug, for sure.