My features wishes

  • #1, by ke4Thursday, 31. July 2014, 13:44 11 years ago
    I would like to ask development team to consider add some features in the future.
    I'm using visionare some time now and this is what i'm missing the most.

    1. Loading function.
    Although i'm really trying to save as much space i can, i just have a lot animations and i can't get under 1MB per animation so i'm preloading them all to run the game smoothly and instead of the lag with loading scene/save game would be great to have loading screen.

    2. Animation Center
    For setting animation center, if there could be manually option to set up this, It's honestly uncomfortable to looking for the right position with mouse.

    i'd happy to see this in visionare :-)

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaThursday, 31. July 2014, 17:42 11 years ago
    Isn't there a loading screen? Never used it, but I'm pretty sure I saw a tab with an hourglass on it which said 'loading screen'.
    Personally I find a loading screen more annoying than a black screen - provided it doesn't take tooooo long to load and I start wondering if the game crashed...

    Key Killer

    535 Posts

  • #3, by ke4Thursday, 31. July 2014, 18:48 11 years ago
    You are right,
    but it's actually loading screen only when the game is starting.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 31. July 2014, 18:55 11 years ago
    Apparently the animations load differently now frame by frame so a loading screen isn't really required.

    As for the second point: are you talking about allowing us to set the animation center via a text input box? or something else entirely? You can always align up your character animations with the animation studio (harmonizer).


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by ke4Thursday, 31. July 2014, 19:17 11 years ago
    What do you mean with new loading system?

    yes i mean animation center via a text input box, just write into the box position via keyboard.
    And i'm sorry i didnt know that there is something like hamonizer, i just in each animation set the animation center.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeThursday, 31. July 2014, 20:00 11 years ago
    animation studio (harmonizer) is only for characters. it's the eye icon thing. it allows you to compare the alignment between selected animation & another. you can also drag the current animation so it overlaps the other animation, that way it doesn't matter if your animation center isn't correct as it will be correctly aligned after you do that.

    A nice tip is to create an initial frame that contains the animation center spot marked so that you know where to place the animation center. A plus + symbol usually does the trick & then you just delete that frame later on after you've set the animation center.

    I don't really know about the loading thing. Simon mentioned that preload is really just an illusion or something because animations now load frame by frame instead. I assume once the frames have loaded that they will stay in the memory cache until replaced by other animations.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by ke4Thursday, 31. July 2014, 21:38 11 years ago
    I'm a bit confused now, i just know, that i get lag if i preload them in the first time loading scene or lag when is the animation starting instead. It's not looking good :/

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeThursday, 31. July 2014, 23:08 11 years ago
    I think preloading still loads them to memory but it's now doing it frame by frame or if not preloaded then it loads them in real-time frame by frame. I may be wrong though. Got a bit confused myself! wink

    You should still try to limit the amount of frames you use in an animation & remember that it's a game & not a video, as there's other factors in play that also require processing power & memory besides your animations & not everyone has high end gaming computers/laptops.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by gustyFriday, 01. August 2014, 10:19 11 years ago
    I agree that preloading thing is pretty fu*ked up. I would love to have an option of classic loading screen with a progress bar that is filling up with percentages which would actually works and it would actually takes its time to preload stuff. Simon himself said that preloading is actually just an illusion or something like that. Myself I would rather wait half minute for loading the scene and watching how bar is filling up and then every animation would be smooth and actually preloaded then this current laggy shit that is actually unplayable! Sorry for honesty but I had an impression that 4.0 will be more optimized then 3.6/3.7 and it is otherwise in every aspect.

    You should still try to limit the amount of frames you use in an animation & remember that it's a game & not a video..
    Or we should completely abandon animations right? Who the hell needs moving pictures in 21. century.. it is just useless luxury, let's do text adventures everyone! Hurray!! Just because programmers can't optimize their code!

    Forum Fan

    159 Posts

  • #10, by ke4Friday, 01. August 2014, 10:30 11 years ago
    hey, you're just too hard
    But, that whats i would like to, have loading screen with progress bar, just wait for a moment and then play the game smoothly.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeFriday, 01. August 2014, 11:01 11 years ago
    I actually asked for the ability to display a loading screen with working progress bar for 4.0/4.1, but I was told no. My reasoning was because games like Chains of Satinav were very animation heavy & took quite a while to load each scene on my old laptop. On this one it loads much faster.


    7285 Posts