My features wishes

  • #20, by afrlmeSaturday, 02. August 2014, 23:49 11 years ago
    100's of conditions?

    You can assign the same condition to as many scene objects as you like. To make it a bit more flexible I suppose it would be nice if we could add a couple more conditions or so & maybe specify values or something as an alternative too. Sometimes you might need more than 1 condition to enable an object but everyone seems to have gotten by with the one so far! wink


    7285 Posts

  • #21, by AlexSunday, 03. August 2014, 01:29 11 years ago
    If you're using 100's of conditions and need to change them at the same time then you're probably doing something wrong.

    with Lua it's possible to change multiple conditions at once, e.g. you could iterate all conditions of a scene and toggle it's values.

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  • #22, by SDMonoSunday, 03. August 2014, 01:50 11 years ago
    Yeah sometimes I just see the long and difficult way I guess. I have no idea how I missed the "Use on condition on multiple scene objects" idea!!! smile Sometimes I hate my brain. Thanks guys for point that out!!! wink

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  • #23, by bobby23Monday, 04. August 2014, 11:44 11 years ago
    I would suggest that we add also a "Switch" option. If a condition is True then set to False , but if it is False then change to True. Currently I am doing that with If statements while it would had been easier to have it pre-defined.
    I made a script for it in LUA if anyone is interested

    Hmm switch option? For? Are you talking about toggling condition values?

    Yes a Toggle

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  • #24, by bobby23Monday, 04. August 2014, 11:46 11 years ago
    If ConditionA= True
    End IF

    Why waste all that space above or keep running a script when it can be something like :
    Toggle ConditionA

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  • #25, by afrlmeMonday, 04. August 2014, 12:27 11 years ago
    You could write a simple function for it if you like?

    Check out this workflow function I just wrote.

    I can see the appeal of a toggle condition action part. I'll add it to the ideas list & the devs can decide whether or not they want to implement it for a future version or not.


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  • #26, by AlexMonday, 04. August 2014, 13:12 11 years ago
    I've added a toggle option to the set condition action part.

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  • #27, by afrlmeMonday, 04. August 2014, 13:15 11 years ago
    Cheers wink

    Guess the script I just wrote was pretty pointless then, except for people who want to do it via lua, I guess. Also just created a quick workflow function for setting condition value too. Think I will work on some more example pages for the new openGL shader functions later on. Been having a little fun with that. You get some strange side effects if you go a bit mad with the values.


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  • #28, by AlexMonday, 04. August 2014, 13:22 11 years ago
    yeah, the shaders are very cool. Simon did a great job smile
    they just need a little bit of fine tuning so they can be individually applied to the scene, interface, a scene object etc.

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  • #29, by afrlmeMonday, 04. August 2014, 13:30 11 years ago
    Yeah I asked for that in the wunderlist account we created for adding feature ideas, discussing them & bugs etc. I don't see you on the list so I'm guessing Simon or David haven't sent you an invitation yet?

    I too would very much like to see the ability to affect individual objects, characters & scenes. Would allow for some very creative visual styles &/or puzzles.

    I do think that we need to add some caps (min/max number caps to some of the shader toolkit values) to prevent it from messing up. Some of the values I've tried have caused strange stuff to happen & on occasion the screen will go black & you have to quit game as it won't let you reset back to default values.

    I'll send you an invitation to the wunderlist task folder in a minute. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #30, by MachtnixTuesday, 05. August 2014, 00:18 11 years ago
    What about condition deactivation for testing? Perhaps to change program lines into comments? It's a long way to type a new condition, test it and delete it to write a new one to test and then rewrite the old one if the 2nd doesn't work. The editor isn't very comfortable to do this; I can't copy and paste a complete if-condition as a box.


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