All of that is possible; to a degree. David has actually added support for a remote debugger for debugging scripts. It currently requires a third party program at the minute but I think he plans on adding it to the editor itself at some point. can also
link to external .lua script files & write/edit your scripts in a text editor of your choice. I tend to do this is combination with Sublime Text, because I prefer to write scripts in that, plus each time you edit the script you don't have to save your game. Just save script in text editor & run your game. Less chance of crashing the vs editor from repeat saving every 2 seconds!
I doubt they will bother adding what you asked for in regards to the menu stuff, as it's easy enough already to create a scene object, assign an image or animation to it & add mouse in/out & clicked action parts.
I suppose an additional image section for menu items would be a good idea though so that we can assign an active & inactive image to the objects to save time.