I agree that preloading thing is pretty fu*ked up. I would love to have an option of classic loading screen with a progress bar that is filling up with percentages which would actually works and it would actually takes its time to preload stuff. Simon himself said that preloading is actually just an illusion or something like that. Myself I would rather wait half minute for loading the scene and watching how bar is filling up and then every animation would be smooth and actually preloaded then this current laggy shit that is actually unplayable! Sorry for honesty but I had an impression that 4.0 will be more optimized then 3.6/3.7 and it is otherwise in every aspect.
You should still try to limit the amount of frames you use in an animation & remember that it's a game & not a video..
Or we should completely abandon animations right? Who the hell needs moving pictures in 21. century.. it is just useless luxury, let's do text adventures everyone! Hurray!! Just because programmers can't optimize their code!