Objects.object_name.Scale = 3.0 -- or
Objects["object_name"].Scale = 3.0 -- or
getObject("Scenes[scene_name].SceneObjects[object_name]"):setValue(VObjectScale, 3.0) -- or
getObject("Game.GameCurrentScene.SceneObjects[object_name]"):setValue(VObjectScale, 3.0)
ActiveAnimations["animation_name"].AnimationCurrentPosition = {x = 400, y = 200}
I know this is Old post but I was needing something like this and this works perfectly. Now only thing that I am interested is there a way to avoid "object_name" and replace it with saved object name? I have scene with tons of objects and would make my day easier if I don't have to type all their names each time I call this script... Thanks in advancethen just use a variable inside the brackets and define it somewhere before:
object = "table"
Objects[object].Scale = 3.0