Graphics question

  • #1, by UmonWednesday, 26. June 2013, 14:17 12 years ago
    Hier habe ich einmal ein paar Grafiken die aber noch in arbeit sind.
    Ich bin mir nur nicht sicher wegen dem grad an Realismus weil 2D Figuren irgendwie nicht wirklich perfekt dazu passen.
    Was denkt Ihr darüber. Ich würde mich über Anregungen und Meinungen freuen.

    Here i have some graphics from work still in progress scenes.
    I am not sure about the realism. It feels like 2D figures doesnt fit very well in such scenes.
    I would love to hear some suggestions and opinions about



    80 Posts

  • #2, by NigecWednesday, 26. June 2013, 18:21 12 years ago
    The last image looks a lot more cartoon like, so maybe aim for something like that?
    I'd use cel shaders to tone down the realism

    maybe this kinda thing?

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #3, by JackMcRipThursday, 27. June 2013, 00:52 12 years ago
    I think 3D is not useful for a Point&Click Adventure.
    I think 3D help a lot of for making animations.
    3D helps too, if develope have problems with proportions while drawing.
    3D help by using objects of different views.

    I search the best way for rendering in painting look.
    I think oil filter in PS6 without brush struktur is the best way to get a painting look.
    In C4D I try to render sketch lines in extra multipass layer and use oil seperate!
    I show it later.

    Here is my today toon render:

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  • #4, by UmonThursday, 27. June 2013, 20:25 12 years ago
    Thank you for your answers,

    @ Nigec
    Yes the first i thought was a to use celshading but i dont want to do an Zelda looking adventure.
    The cartoon style would be an option i also was thinking about alot. Thats why i tried a few scenes this way. And i like it.

    i agree 3 of your 4 points.
    Except the one that 3D isnt very helpfull for an point & click adventure. If you want to do a toon adventure (and it seems like you do it this way) i would agree.
    Dont get me wrong, I really like this style of adventures (like the monkey island series) and i like your screenshot very much. But i try to get more realistic and use a lot of lights in a sceen to bring up an atmosphere.

    Maybe a mix out of realism and cartoon (like i tryed) would be better to use some Charakters they are rendered and in 2D then. I guess i have to try this a while.



    80 Posts

  • #5, by NigecThursday, 27. June 2013, 21:53 12 years ago
    Its a shame that 2.5D isn't supported yet that would solve the problem

    Pyke is doing a great job with his game which I believe is done in 3D Studio Max, also GlenFX's game used Maya and you can't even tell his is rendered

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #6, by UmonThursday, 27. June 2013, 22:37 12 years ago
    I asked about 2 weeks ago a few questions they are importand to me.
    And i get an very fast and detailed answer from Alex.
    (But its in german)

    One point was about the 2.5D question. It is almost done but it will take a while (its almost done and will be soon in the alpha stage if i translate it right).
    Seems like the focus right now is to make it available on more plattforms, what is also very good and important (i guess more important for the most who want to use visionaire studio).
    I also test right now another engine. But its only a 3D engine (Unity 3D) you have all you need for 3D but you have to program alot cause the focus is 3D.
    Oh and i am doing this in Lightwave. So seems like we have almost all of the big ones for rendering in this thread smile



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  • #7, by NigecThursday, 27. June 2013, 23:33 12 years ago
    I mainly use Sketchup and Thea Render, problem is its photoreal renderer so toning it down can be hard work, it took me two years to get toon shaders to work as they aren't offically supported and it was by sheer accident I discovered the base shader

    There's a game called Realm done in Unity that is almost 2.5D, it does use backdrops and foreground images, its a bit like a theatre stage setup, I think there's a how its made on Youtube

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #8, by JackMcRipThursday, 27. June 2013, 23:57 12 years ago
    I have tought about the fourth of my point.
    You are right!
    There will be another 3D like look ;-)

    I get wrong with only 2D drawing like look is working in adventures.

    The idea of special lightning can be pretty.
    Maybe hyperrealistic style.

    Maybe for acept adventures by gamers in future a new style is welcome very much :-)

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  • #9, by UmonFriday, 28. June 2013, 01:18 12 years ago
    Hmm yes hyperralistic sound nice.
    But i guess there would be a little problem to make it this way without a multi million $ budget, your own renderfarm and a lot of manpower.
    At least it isnt the model what takes a lot of time to build it is all about lights, reflections, shadows and textures.
    I dont talk about an architectural modell with hdri and radiosity.
    I only search a way to have look an screen realistic in an normal way so you can also use it in an cutsceen, and use charakters they fit into the screen (in motion). For example something like the picture with the ratts (but this picture is part of an promotional sign for an company i build).
    It´s almost impossible to make screens they took for examle 1 hour to render and use it in cutsceens.
    We talk about 30 pictures for 1 second, and 1 hour is way to low for a really realistic picture.

    I wanted to use the lights for screens in the way you can see at the fast testpicture i made.
    Just to put them in a scene pre rendered with only a few frames in motion.



    80 Posts

  • #10, by NigecFriday, 28. June 2013, 08:25 12 years ago
    I started a game with VS that was a first person view, the big thing you need to consider is lights and shadows as its surprising how much the scene can be effected by something moving, a door opening is probably the worst
    The toon version of the corridor renders in about 30 seconds! it only uses direct lighting and raytrace, a proper render with textures and emitters takes about 20 minutes

    do a basic layout off the scene and if anything moves or effects the lighting on cropped images its a lot easier to fix smile

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #11, by UmonSunday, 30. June 2013, 13:53 12 years ago
    I tryed something like the pictures below.
    So it´s a bit realistic and a bit comic barbie style. I think this looks not to bad, and will work without to realistic animations.
    The basic layout is the first picture without the lights and the second with one light screen out of 6.
    Maybe to put this in the scene as an object and let the frames change after 3+ seconds.
    I think would be good to put something in front of the lights so it makes sence if you cant walk there.

    Seems like i have first to go more deeper into visionair. There are lots of possibilities you can use to do what you want.



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