Graphics question

  • #10, by UmonSunday, 30. June 2013, 13:53 12 years ago
    I tryed something like the pictures below.
    So it´s a bit realistic and a bit comic barbie style. I think this looks not to bad, and will work without to realistic animations.
    The basic layout is the first picture without the lights and the second with one light screen out of 6.
    Maybe to put this in the scene as an object and let the frames change after 3+ seconds.
    I think would be good to put something in front of the lights so it makes sence if you cant walk there.

    Seems like i have first to go more deeper into visionair. There are lots of possibilities you can use to do what you want.



    80 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeSunday, 30. June 2013, 14:32 12 years ago
    hmm I believe you can apply color tints to your characters via Lua Script so if you created an action area in the vicinity of the lights & activated a condition on character enter then you could use a combination of if else queries using a value to determine state of the lights & then if character is in the action area to change the characters tint.

    geObject("Characters[character_name]"):setValue(VCharacterTint, 0xFF0000) -- etc...

    You can also use lightmaps to affect scene/object/character tint & brightness I think - although I'm not sure how either work at the minute as I've not had a go at using either method.


    7285 Posts

  • #12, by UmonSunday, 30. June 2013, 16:05 12 years ago
    Thank you so much AFRLme, this sounds very helpfull.

    If this works we dont have to worry about ever scene we build about the lights and how to bring them right in the scene cause it effects to much (or to less) the charakter we want to use smile

    I´ll try this a while and see how it works but after reading a little at the site from your link it shoulnd´t be a big problem to use it in a way it will work.



    80 Posts

  • #13, by afrlmeSunday, 30. June 2013, 16:58 12 years ago
    no problem smile

    the site I linked is the old vs wiki ...
    a newer version is underway with up to date information & other useful things such as tips & resources etc.


    7285 Posts

  • #14, by NigecSunday, 30. June 2013, 19:35 12 years ago
    interesting look club,, reminds me of the movie "A Clockwork Orange"

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #15, by UmonMonday, 01. July 2013, 14:08 12 years ago
    I didnt thought about this movie as i build the entrance. I was more inspired from a bar in germany (Hamburg).
    But now you know where to get a glas of milk smile


    80 Posts

  • #16, by UmonMonday, 01. July 2013, 20:52 12 years ago
    Here is an little update for the bar screen.
    I really start to like this mix of realistic, barbie, plastic style. Even that i know the most like comic style, but it is something different and that was what i aiming for.

    The good thing beside to use the charakters is ...
    People dont ask themself is something possible if it looks to realistic, cause its more comic style.

    And the milk bar is a nice idea, i allready had milk as riddle in the game but wasnt sure how to get it at a bar.

    So the note to the movie at this point was really nice. Maybe also include a riddle you have to dress like Malcom McDowell ... would be funny to walk around a while this way.

    Thank you Nigec for this inspiration smile

    I show the milk bar (part of the bar) a little later smile



    80 Posts

  • #17, by NigecMonday, 01. July 2013, 21:15 12 years ago
    Hey anything to help!

    I bet if you watched the film with sub titles you must of thought the British were crazy, did it actually work translated?! I'm a brit and I thought WTF the first time I saw it lol

    I do 3D but I think if I did a 3rd person game I'd rather use 2D characters as you have more control, you don't need to deal with rigging characters then animating them, then the usual issues getting clean images.
    Whatever works, doing games you need to be able to do everything and just make it achievable smile

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #18, by afrlmeMonday, 01. July 2013, 21:35 12 years ago

    So the note to the movie at this point was really nice. Maybe also include a riddle you have to dress like Malcom McDowell ... would be funny to walk around a while this way.

    Just don't beat anyone up while donning his attire or the film will probably be removed from the shelves for another decade or two grin


    7285 Posts

  • #19, by UmonMonday, 01. July 2013, 21:37 12 years ago
    I dont know but i think its almost 25 years ago (damn i am getting old hehe) i saw this movie the first time.
    British humor is great and i really love it. Monty Phyton is just awsome, flying circus and all the stuff.
    Is this black direct humor ... not for everyone but i love it.
    And mostly i try to watch movies in the original language even if i dont understand some words (i am german), but the translation it´s mostly far away from the meaning.

    I will still use rigged 3D figures and use it as frames then, if you try this very realistic this doesnt works really but for a more comic style seems like it works.
    The problem with 2D is that i need to mix 2D and 3D cause of the cutsceens i want to use. This would look to strange i guess.



    80 Posts

  • #20, by UmonMonday, 01. July 2013, 21:39 12 years ago
    Hehe beating up someone or somthing is a "must have" part if i really make this twist


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