Custom font

  • #1, by gustySunday, 26. January 2014, 16:26 11 years ago
    Is there any way to edit individual letter areas? BTW how this feature work anyway? When I browse the font image VS recognize only some letters - what are the rules here? I would really really really love just edit polygon area for each letter by myself - not its size necessarily but at least its position. Thanks

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  • #2, by NigecSunday, 26. January 2014, 19:38 11 years ago

    Key Killer

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  • #3, by gustySunday, 26. January 2014, 20:30 11 years ago
    I already have that. Thing is, if you let say handwrite your own font letters over this templete in Photoshop and you would upload this layer to VS, then Visionaire woudn't recognize all of the letters. That's why I would like to manually define its areas.

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  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 26. January 2014, 20:41 11 years ago
    complicated font styles will probably not work so well... you should stick to simpler fonts, as a general rule.

    I created my own font maps, which seemed to work ok. you just create a png with transparent background with the letters as big as you need them & add "_" before each line...

    _  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
    _  a b c d e f g h i j k l m
    _  n o p q r s t u v w x y z
    _  A B ...

    as long as the spacing is ok & the letters don't have gaps in between them like : ä etc then they should work ok providing you add a bit of stroke fx to them.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by gustySunday, 26. January 2014, 23:26 11 years ago
    I'd like to have that kind of weird thin shaky handwrite font style. But it seems impossible to have lines in order I want it. Even with a fat stroke effect. There are some experiments:

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  • #6, by afrlmeMonday, 27. January 2014, 00:24 11 years ago
    try using a simple sans serif font for the left hand underscore thing _ ... all the underscores should be the same as I think (not 100% sure) that they are used to define new line & the maximum bottom of the characters as a sort of vertical alignment prefix.

    Alex would be able to explain exactly how character/text maps work - maybe he'll reply if he sees this thread; at some point.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by gustyMonday, 27. January 2014, 00:49 11 years ago
    Well, first line seems to be OK, but it ends with that. Hmm, it is really strange...

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  • #8, by afrlmeMonday, 27. January 2014, 01:29 11 years ago
    hmm... maybe it's having trouble with the messy font. try looking for a nice clean handwritten/script font on & see if you can get one of them to work ok. there are plenty of free fonts available.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by gustyMonday, 27. January 2014, 01:40 11 years ago
    Actually this is not a font. I draw each letter with my hand in Photoshop. And that is the point. See, I don't want to use any already created font.

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  • #10, by afrlmeMonday, 27. January 2014, 03:22 11 years ago
    yeah I gathered that already... I just meant for you to try with an already created font to see if you can get one working correctly. the main issue with your font besides it being messy, is that all the letters are not correctly aligned & vary in size...


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by nabeelaejazTuesday, 11. March 2014, 13:14 11 years ago
    I hate the font system


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