@ EldarionII: Just spotted the scuba diving rat in the restroom scene. Very amusing!

Also if you check the data structure section of the wiki under "game" table you will find some information regarding the cache & pic buffers/threads etc. It's not a lot of information mind, but it's better than nothing.
@ gusty: hmm it loads frame by frame as opposed to needing to wait for the entire animation to load before playing. Preloading still meant waiting for entire animation to load.
Chopping larger animations up is not really required any more either. You can however still downscale certain animations though & then scale them back up to actual size with lua for animations that don't need to be sharp such as certain environmental animations like rain, snow, dust, clouds, blurred things etc.
As long as you don't go over excessive with your animations then your game should run fine. Maybe not as smooth as you like on low end machines/laptops, but not much you can do about that other than create your game in lower resolution like 720p or less or use less frames for animations etc.
Converting images/animations to webP does help optimize your game for low end machines & mobile devices though.
Also think about whether or not you actually need to use an animation for something... for example in the demo that EldarionII just provided, in the restroom is an animation that plays a drop of water leaking from a pipe every so often. I'm assuming the entire thing is pure animation. In the game I'm currently helping develop I've only animated the initial build up of water & the splash bit at the end. The actual movement part I did with lua script, although in the next version you will be able to send objects to specific (absolute) coordinates which means you can do it with an action part!

Lighting is another thing. For dynamic lighting I tend to use single image files & control the transparency of the image with an action part or lua & a loop created with the jump to x action part. This requires less memory than loads of animation frames that are the same size/width of the current scene.
There are loads of different things you can do to optimize your game.
* edit: by the way I forgot to mention about the memory / process tool thing that was added to VS 4.0. If you hit "home" key on your keyboard (I think it's POS1 on German keyboards & INICIO on Spanish keyboards) then you can toggle an overlay screen thing (for games running via editor) which displays loads of graphs & information about processes & memory allocations for various things such as animations, textures, actions, scripts etc.