Wie macht man Menüs ?

  • #1, by sommer1993Friday, 03. January 2014, 04:02 12 years ago
    Hallo smile

    Würde gerne wissen wie man Menüs macht.

    - wie macht man ein Menü mit den Eigenschaften Start, Optionen, Beenden, … Bevor das Game einfach so startet ?

    - wie macht man ein Menü das im laufendem Spiel zum Bsp mit ESC aufgerufen werden kann das die Eigenschaften speichern, Beenden und so hat …..


    73 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 03. January 2014, 12:07 12 years ago
    You can create two types of scenes in the scene editor section.These being "Scene" & "Menu"....

    If you change to a menu scene via: "Scene > Show scene/menu" action part then it should store all character animations/actions to memory providing you have enabled the option "keep character images in memory while displaying menu" checkbox on the game tab, which essentially pauses the game until you return back to the scene via: "Scene > Change to scene of a character: current character" or via the how/scene menu action part I mentioned earlier. You can also use "keep scene in memory" action part to tore the current scene to memory.

    you need to use key actions tab found under game tab to setup key input actions... taking into consideration that there are 2 key input types. the initial key input types which are just the character on their own are "on key down" & work sort of like turbo does on a control pad by repeating whatever actions are assigned to them whereas the ones that contain (released) in brackets after them will only trigger the assigned actions once after the key has been released.

    the start/quit buttons are done via scene objects... create an object, add an image/animation to it, create an object area for it & then create some actions for it.

    I know this is a bit vague but creating menus is one of the most time consuming parts of making a game & thus is not so easy to break down into a quick how to guide. Take for example my advanced menu template (@here) took me roughly 3 days to sort out.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by sommer1993Monday, 06. January 2014, 02:37 12 years ago

    smile Danke


    73 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 06. January 2014, 04:23 12 years ago
    err I don't really understand the reply... is it good shock or of a more bad variety in nature? grin

    no problem... I'll probably get around to adding a page dedicated to menu design in vs to the wiki at some point.


    7285 Posts