Way points

  • #1, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 08:05 7 years ago
    The subject of this message is:

    I'm actually not very comfortable with the engine's way points system...
    Especially because I cannot connect the points between them, and so... The result is my character does complications about the routes he takes to go from one point to another.
    More, he always stops at the precise places, which gives a look a little too "mechanical" to the game, and it's no super-esthetic. ^^

    My questions are:

    -What are the keyboard shortcuts for correctly using the way points system ??
    -Is there a script (or anything) that allows to detect the nearest point when a character is walking around the scene ??  

    I think I'm missing something about this system...

    Thank you.


    90 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 03. December 2017, 13:05 7 years ago
    I recommend using a spider web type approach when creating your way paths, but try to keep the way paths as simple as possible as the engine will most of the time determine its own path.

    Quick tip #1: to connect or disconnect one way path point to/from another point, simply left click on a way path node point & then right click on an existing point & it will draw a line between the 2 you have selected or delete the line if it already exists.

    Quick tip #2: only scale the character on the y-axis if possible. It's highly recommended that you create the scale values on a separate way path outside of the way borders rather than on the complex way paths you have created inside of the way borders.


    Quick tip #3: if you have access to a middle mouse button then you can drag around & reposition the scene preview window around by holding down the middle mouse button while hovering over the scene preview section of the editor & moving the mouse around. It's the only way that you can access the left & top sides of the scene in case you need to extend your way borders/paths outside of the scene background itself (maybe you want the character to walk out of or into the scene).


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by JorkzSunday, 03. December 2017, 13:17 7 years ago
    Oh, In fact I didn't know the right and middle click trick!!

    Thank you very much !!


    90 Posts

  • #4, by MachtnixSunday, 03. December 2017, 20:20 7 years ago
    It's highly recommended that you create the scale values on a separate way path outside of the way borders rather than on the complex way paths you have created inside of the way borders.
    I don't understand this part. That means I have to create a second way path outside of my main way system which contains my main way path? I have never read this... wink

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  • #5, by sebastianMonday, 04. December 2017, 00:23 7 years ago
    It's highly recommended that you create the scale values on a separate way path outside of the way borders rather than on the complex way paths you have created inside of the way borders.
    I don't understand this part. That means I have to create a second way path outside of my main way system which contains my main way path? I have never read this... wink
    He means that defining a path anywhere unconnected to the main path(s) beside the scene for scaling purposes. Its more efficient to do the scaling there because otherwise you may have to click on every waypoint to find the one you edited before.

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  • #6, by afrlmeMonday, 04. December 2017, 00:51 7 years ago
    It's highly recommended that you create the scale values on a separate way path outside of the way borders rather than on the complex way paths you have created inside of the way borders.
    I don't understand this part. That means I have to create a second way path outside of my main way system which contains my main way path? I have never read this... wink
    It was actually a tip mentioned by one of the Daedalic devs/scripters a few years ago. As Sebastian just mentioned, it's better to create them outside of the way border because they are easier to find & edit & you get perfect scaling on y-axis. Just look at the screenshot I added a few posts ago.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by zurikWednesday, 29. May 2019, 15:49 6 years ago
    Hey. I am trying to understand this smile
    So if I want my character to go as close as possible to the point when I click on the wall, without walking off the floor, how do I define way points and way borders?

    (On this image I am trying with red and orange way borders and blue way points)


    40 Posts

  • #8, by sebastianWednesday, 29. May 2019, 18:22 6 years ago
    what exactly are you planning to do with the orange wayborder?

    Best practice for waypoints would be to put them inside your waysystem with several points at the edge (like you did). If you click outside the walkable area, the character will try to reach the nearest waypoint inside the wayborder.

    Hint: but dont overdo it. The engine needs to calculate the shortest path on waypoints if the char cant reach it directly. 

    Some example : https://cl.ly/48221ef107b6/Image%2525202019-05-29%252520at%25252011.55.52%252520PM.png

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  • #9, by zurikThursday, 30. May 2019, 11:42 6 years ago
    Yes, I want my character to come as close as possible to the clicking point on the wall (orange field). So I don't need it? I removed it and it works, but not perfectly, sometimes nothing happens when I click on the wall. I will test more though. Thanks smile


    40 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeThursday, 30. May 2019, 12:16 6 years ago
    you need to create lots of way point nodes. the engine uses those to calculate the nearest point when you click outside of the way border, so the more you have the more accurate the calculation should be - in theory. Way systems are a bit tricky & require a bit of trial & error to get them working exactly how you want them to work.


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by zurikTuesday, 06. August 2019, 10:27 6 years ago
    Sorry if I am missing something, but how do I connect the small vertical lines to the "main" way path? 


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