Visionaire 5 RC0 released!

  • #40, by PaupasiaFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:19 8 years ago
    @SimonS of course and thanks grin

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  • #41, by afrlmeFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:23 8 years ago
    @Paupasia: Could you send me the ved ? I'll check on that.

    @Lee: the links to the players there.

    Ah, right you are.


    7285 Posts

  • #42, by SimonSFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:27 8 years ago
    @SleeperHold: Jpg ? That seems like that's the cause, jpeg has many formats and sometimes the decoder cannot completely understand it. Have you tried png oder webp ?

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  • #43, by sebastianFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:30 8 years ago
    @DEV TEAM:

    Any chance to customize the colors from syntax highlighing (in the future)?

    For me they are a bit to aggressive . Syntax highlighting worked for me as soon as i moved the content from the lua/lua/ folder one level up inside the . But i cant find the correct file or clues which file does the trick or if its even possible to change the colors razz 

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  • #44, by afrlmeFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:48 8 years ago
    @DEV TEAM:

    Any chance to customize the colors from syntax highlighing (in the future)?

    For me they are a bit to aggressive . Syntax highlighting worked for me as soon as i moved the content from the lua/lua/ folder one level up inside the . But i cant find the correct file or clues which file does the trick or if its even possible to change the colors razz 
    I think you can edit them in the css files located under skins/1 & skins&/2. 1 being light theme & 2 being dark theme. Just open them up in sublime text/atom/notepad++ or something & search for skins {

    @ Simon: I don't see any extra sub-folder in the Lua folder on windows installation. Color syntax isn't working for me either. Just white or black text depending on the active theme.


    7285 Posts

  • #45, by sebastianFriday, 14. April 2017, 20:35 8 years ago
    can't find anything^^

    By the way. Pressing "TAB" in script areas doesn't work either :O

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  • #46, by F_KalFriday, 14. April 2017, 23:28 8 years ago
    Let me say congratulations! The new version is beautiful!

    Here is some feedback for the OSX version 
    - I'll repeat a remark that @sebastian has already pointed out: now that the scene and object properties got mixed, there are two tabs named Actions and Action - it's rather confusing...
    - The preferences window can be shrunk infinitely, to the point that it becomes reversed! Same with the about dialog - and I reached a deadlock state that there is no way for me to resize it neither close the dialog
    - Compiling an existing 4.2.5 project with custom shaders doesn't work properly anymore (but I'm so excited to have true support for custom shaders now!!!!)
    - the save and run/save and run scene icons on the right icon while in english, have their submenus in German  
    - tab doesn't work anywhere. If I try to press tab in order to change the control that has focus, it won't work
    - if I shrink the VS Editor window below 1100px the icons of the toolbar fall one on top of the other

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  • #47, by marvelSaturday, 15. April 2017, 17:51 8 years ago
    Let me say congratulations! The new version is beautiful!

    Here is some feedback for the OSX version 
    - I'll repeat a remark that @sebastian has already pointed out: now that the scene and object properties got mixed, there are two tabs named Actions and Action - it's rather confusing...

    Yes, I do think the same and we've had an internal discussion about some weeks ago. As far as I remember it had techniqual reasons and it was hard to find a better place for it. If someone could make a proposal where to place it, we would be more than happy wink

    We try to take care of the other points that you mentioned. 

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #48, by ArtNovaSaturday, 15. April 2017, 17:59 8 years ago
    Congratulations on RC. Cant try it right now for sad, sitting on WinXP x86 roll


    41 Posts

  • #49, by afrlmeSaturday, 15. April 2017, 18:25 8 years ago
    Let me say congratulations! The new version is beautiful!

    Here is some feedback for the OSX version 
    - I'll repeat a remark that @sebastian has already pointed out: now that the scene and object properties got mixed, there are two tabs named Actions and Action - it's rather confusing...

    Yes, I do think the same and we've had an internal discussion about some weeks ago. As far as I remember it had techniqual reasons and it was hard to find a better place for it. If someone could make a proposal where to place it, we would be more than happy wink

    We try to take care of the other points that you mentioned. 
    Ideally only have those tabs available when the user opens up the way system tab of the editor. Also hide the non-relevant way system tab sections when way system is open. Simon mentioned something about it being a form issue, or drawing/creation of the form or something - I don't remember, was a while back when he told me.


    7285 Posts

  • #50, by sebastianSaturday, 15. April 2017, 18:26 8 years ago
    Let me say congratulations! The new version is beautiful!

    Here is some feedback for the OSX version 
    - I'll repeat a remark that @sebastian has already pointed out: now that the scene and object properties got mixed, there are two tabs named Actions and Action - it's rather confusing...

    Yes, I do think the same and we've had an internal discussion about some weeks ago. As far as I remember it had techniqual reasons and it was hard to find a better place for it. If someone could make a proposal where to place it, we would be more than happy wink

    We try to take care of the other points that you mentioned. 
    difficult question....

    For me there are several places where the Actions / Action and also Values/ Conditions tabs are a bit out of place:

    Conditions / Values: should always be on the right side . Regardless of its parent "object".
    So it would be nice to move the scene object values/conditions to the right as mentioned in a prior post. Here is an example for the scenes window:

    Scene Actions should open the actions like in 4.x. So they overlay the displayed scene and scene object properties completely. By that also the scene object Conditions/Values like mentioned above should now get hidden:

    Characters Workspace "Action" Tab beside the characters Conditions/Values on the right:
    These actions are from the dialog parts and are displayed twice:
    one: when clicking a dialog part which contains also an action: display on the right list
    two: when clicking a dialog part and clicking on the lightning icon besides the dialog part action.
    The weird thing is that you can't deep edit these actions in the right list. They are just listed. Only thing to do here is delete/add/reorder.

    I would suggest to remove that action list on the right completely ... The opening window when clicking the lightning is enough. wink

    Interfaces and Objects workspace:
    Why are the Conditions/Values now in the left list? Please add a right list and put Conditions and Values there - even if this eats up some space for interface editing. You should be consistent here so that new and old users know where to find stuff smile


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