Visionaire 5 RC0 released!

  • #30, by sebastianFriday, 14. April 2017, 17:26 8 years ago
    I don't think so. It's kind of misleading. Looks like "video" or something. 
    yeah, you are right... Didn't thought about that...

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  • #31, by loro-gamesFriday, 14. April 2017, 17:34 8 years ago
    Thanks you guys! Awesome release. Vis is looking slick wink I am having some weird artifact issues since the update. The attached images show the Problem. In the Editor everything is fine. InGame there is a small weird bar at the bottom. In other Rooms the bar is even bigger. Anybode having these glitches as well?


    64 Posts

  • #32, by sebastianFriday, 14. April 2017, 17:39 8 years ago
    when i look into the editor screenshot your forground is a bit deeper positionated as the background. The gap in the editor is transparent while ingame you have these artifacts.
    It seems like the overlapping of an object image expanded your scene in the bottom a bit... 

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  • #33, by SimonSFriday, 14. April 2017, 17:46 8 years ago
    The syntax highlighting is broken, because the lua files are in the wrong folder. In the lua folder there is another lua folder that shouldn't be in there but in the top level.

    @Paupasia: Old particles ? They are removed, as long you don't touch them they will still play, but get overwritten once you open them in the editor.

    The custom icon should be a quatratic png/webp and no ico.

    Retry downloading the Mac player. It's working here, the system checks the hash of the file. The files are now in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Visionaire Editor\platform and must be linked in the viseditor.ini with the date.

    Also the links in the wiki are only for version 4.2.5 and version 5 is only distributed via the update server.

    Subfolders work, if you want the files to be placed there, you need to change the rule on the bottom, e.g. Scenes\Scene<3c>.vs instead of Scene<3c>.vs

    The flash of the fades I'm seeing just now, didn't about that before.

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  • #34, by SimonSFriday, 14. April 2017, 17:49 8 years ago
    About the turn animations, you can set a start angle and an end angle there and if you start walking it will check if the directions are the same and play them before.

    @SleeperHold: Haven't seen that before. Can you export me a scene so I can check that ?

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  • #35, by sebastianFriday, 14. April 2017, 17:57 8 years ago
    Found another bug: i cant change the player settings (log level) in the options menu. 
    Wel i can change them but it didn't get saved.

    Also when using the "call action" action part there is no clue which object holds the action in the list:
    in 4.25 there was at least the object name in front of the action name.
    Example: "Left Click" was before something like "Object A: Left Click"

    The syntax highlighting is broken, because the lua files are in the wrong folder. In the lua folder there is another lua folder that shouldn't be in there but in the top level.

    Works grin ..even if these color settings are a bit extreme:

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  • #36, by PaupasiaFriday, 14. April 2017, 18:50 8 years ago
    @Paupasia: Old particles ? They are removed, as long you don't touch them they will still play, but get overwritten once you open them in the ed
    I created the game entirely in Vis 5 beta, with the new particles system
    The custom icon should be a quatratic png/webp and no ico.

    Ah! That's why! Thanks grin
    The files are now in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Visionaire Editor\platform and must be linked in the viseditor.ini with the date.

    Subfolders work, if you want the files to be placed there, you need to change the rule on the bottom, e.g. Scenes\Scene.vs instead of Scene.vs
    Thanks again for the info grin
    The flash of the fades I'm seeing just now, didn't about that before.
    Lol ! Maybe I'm the only one using these transitions grin

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  • #37, by afrlmeFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:01 8 years ago
    Also the links in the wiki are only for version 4.2.5 and version 5 is only distributed via the update server.
    What links? I've updated the download & buy buttons on the main wiki page to go to general download & store sections of VS website. Bit hard to link to single thing seeing as there are multiple versions.


    7285 Posts

  • #38, by SimonSFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:04 8 years ago
    @Paupasia: Could you send me the ved ? I'll check on that.

    @Lee: the links to the players there.

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  • #39, by loro-gamesFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:16 8 years ago
    @SleeperHold: Haven't seen that before. Can you export me a scene so I can check that ?
    How do i export a singular scene? The problem just got weirder. I have attached three pictures of a short animation consisting of jpg images. In the first frame inside the editor and when running it shows this weird glitchbar at the bottom. In the second frame of the animation everything is displayed correctly. The 3rd picture is the original first frame picture that also worked normal in the previous version. Deleting the frame and importing it again does not help unfortunately.



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  • #40, by PaupasiaFriday, 14. April 2017, 19:19 8 years ago
    @SimonS of course and thanks grin

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