#2, by afrlmeThursday, 09. January 2014, 16:21 11 years ago
In the build/export game area you can export certain parts of your game with different options such as keep data in main .vis data file or export into single data file for scene, character etc or each scene, character etc into individual files...
Exporting each thing into it's own individual file is good because it keeps the main data.vis filesize much lower & also it means that if you make any changes to the game that you only need to include the new data.vis & the files that have been updated/added inside of the update which would probably be stored inside of a compiled/compressed .exe installer or something - or however you decide to proceed.
#3, by afrlmeThursday, 09. January 2014, 17:49 11 years ago
hmm no sorry.. but I'm sure some of the other members will be able to provide you with a list of free or cheap .exe compilers/installers & if not then you can always google some
#5, by BigStansFriday, 10. January 2014, 23:03 11 years ago
Hi, für was brauch man einen installer? Eigentlich nur, damit es schicker aussieht… Windows only ^^ Inno Setup ist dann dazu noch etwas schicker als NSIS. Content updates können dann aber Probleme mit "Savegames" verursachen. Kommt drauf an, was man ändert.
#6, by RincewindSaturday, 11. January 2014, 20:08 11 years ago
Gerne,mir gefällt gerade das an der Software das man eigentlich alles nach eigenem Wunsch anpassen kann,von der Optik bis komplexere Abfragen. Grüße Rincewind Was Visionaire betrifft bin ich ja noch ganz am Anfang