#10, by ShyralonTuesday, 17. December 2013, 22:53 12 years ago
I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing.. I don't want to show an icon, only a text, for example in a scene where's a rock and a tree, while pressing space there should just be a text "rock" and a text "tree" below (or somewhere else, not as important as the text itself for now) the actual object, so you know which things you can interact with. In "The book of unwritten tales" they use a similar system.
#11, by afrlmeTuesday, 17. December 2013, 23:27 12 years ago
it doesn't have to be an icon... you can link to a image containing the text for said object.
VS also has a system in place for displaying the name of the object (if you added one to the object properties) at the mouse cursor or inside of a defined area depending on how you set up the action text on the main game tab.
#12, by ShyralonWednesday, 18. December 2013, 20:29 12 years ago
Well, just tried the snoop animation thing, it would work but it's just way to much work and not worth the afford, so I will just skip this feature (at least for now).. Thanks anyways
#13, by afrlmeWednesday, 18. December 2013, 21:21 12 years ago
there is another method I can think of but it also requires a bit of work.
for each scene you create an object which contains a single image with a transparent background that is the same width/height as the scene & has all the words added to it in the required places. you need to create an at begin of scene action part which contains: "set object visibility" action part for said object which you should set to 0% & delay value of 0ms. this will hide the image on scene load.
now inside of the space key input you would need to create multiple if queries & seeing as there is no "if current scene is x scene" action part, you will have to use the "if character (current character) is on x scene" action part which will allow you to determine which object you should fade in with the set object visibility action part.
inside of the space (released) key input you should add a "call action" action part which links to a "called by other action" which should contain a set object visibility action part for each object with "0%" & approx "250 to 500ms" delay time.
#14, by Zweieck2Wednesday, 18. December 2013, 21:43 12 years ago
Wenn Dir als Hauptcharakter die Stimme eines 15-jährigen nicht zu jung ist (also meine ist, äh, doch schon tiefer...?), kann ich Dir eine Hörprobe zukommen lassen. Vielleicht könnte ich die Zeit finden...
#18, by ShyralonMonday, 06. January 2014, 15:00 12 years ago
The game is almost finished, but right now I'm having a new problem (hopefully the last one): Something is wrong with my objects, they are always in front of my character when he moves BEFORE them. Thought it might be something wrong with the object middle, but it's all how it should be (I suppose), the line is always at the point, where the character should be in front of the object. The middle of the Character is also always on his feets.. I have seriously no idea how to fix that..