Great! It’s working! At last, perhaps, this thread now has all the information that spine users need to successfully import their files into Visionaire Studio. And If you don’t mind, due to the lack of documentation, I would like to compile all this information here.
Here we go!
1. Make sure you are using the most recent version of Visionaire Studio;
2. Browse your Visionaire Project Folder and create a subdirectory/folder called “My Spine Files” or something like that;
3. Put all your Spine Exported files inside this folder;
4. Inside the Visionaire, import only the .json file;
5. All necessary files should have been automatically imported to the editor;
6. If you still cannot see any of your images, take a look into the viseditor.log and look for some error message. If you are on a Mac, you can find the viseditor.log at /Users/YourUserName/Library/Logs/Visionaire\ Editor/)