Well it all depends what you really wanna do in your game. If it is 3D renders that you wanna use for 2D adventure as i did in this little test game i recommend daz3d and iclone. use daz3D for backgrounds and iclone for easy animating your characters. Iclone also offer many animations that may fit most of 3D models as genesis 1 and 2 from daz3d or maya human bone based. It is fairly easy to use it even for beginner and they have tons of tutorial on youtube.
Though iclone is kinda expensive but worth every $ invested. daz3d however is free software. Only content to it may cost but you have some essentials to start with.
here are both program links:
https://www.daz3d.com/homehttp://www.reallusion.com/iclone/default.aspxBoth of this programs may export your files as image sequence of any type (visionaire works best with png) or nay video file so you won't need to worry about transparent background and those. anyways daz3d is fun for still images but i would not recommend you trying to render animations it can take for ages, depends on shaders and render settings you use
. iclone however will render animations in real time. if your animations is 30 sec long render time (in normal render mode not indigo) will be about 40 sec
So. my choice is daz3d for still images, iclone for animations. you may get very high quality of graphic that way.
Here is sample of game that i am working on at the moment.
Also... thank you for offer to fix text but this was just test game so i may see what i may do in this engine... so far i did not find what i can't do lol, even in my current project that is much more in depth and more complex. But if you really like this one i can share my ved files with all even videos if you wanna play with it
i don't care even if you use anything from here to your games or whatever you have in mind.