scene transitions via script

  • #1, by knut-muellerFriday, 23. August, 10:55 3 weeks ago
    I hereby refer to my bug report [mac b1243] "error in transition effects" in this forum. I have tried to create a workaround, but unfortunately it does not work. I have attached examples of my failed attempt as images. I have called a script called "GoToNextScene_Left" in Scenes--->Objects-->[my hotspot]-->Actions-->Left click-->. In Scripts I have created a "GoToNextScene_Left"-script with the following content: showScene("R10008E", 6, 300) -- sift right = turn left over 300ms
    I have taken the script template from the visionaire-wiki: ChangeScene (CMS) --> changeScene("scn", type, duration) [but it doesn't work for me with either ChangeScene or ShowScene, or game.ChangeScene or game.ShowScene].
    As I said, unfortunately this does not work.

    I would also like to have called a (global) string variable at Scenes--->Objects-->[my hotspot]-->Actions-->Left click-->, to which I can give the name of the target scene, e.g. VarNextScene = "R10008E", so that I can then write the following script: showScene(VarNextScene, 6, 300) -- sift right = turn left over 300ms
    I hope I was able to express myself clearly. Thanks and greetings, Knut
    Further explanation: In Scenes--->Objects-->[my hotspot]-->Actions-->Left click--> I cannot call/create a string variable, as "I" can only create or populate "Values", i.e. integers or "Conditions", i.e. true or false etc. at this point.


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