Thanks for the reply, really appreciate all the hard work that's gone into VS, and can see how this would have horrible knock on effects for those existing games, if it were changed now.
In a way its been a good lesson to learn, its caused me to re-think how i use the actions, and simplify the overall progress handling of my game.
I'm not averse to doing more LUA, (I'm a long term AS3/JS coder by trade) I just cannot seem to get to grips with the VS data structure, even after reading the wiki, I'm left confused. I always feel unable to bug test it and unsure of the structure when referencing the tables (with the leading V being a prime candidate for confusion, and the direct or via scenes/objects access of variables, which seems inconsistent)
Maybe I just need to study it in more detail, and spend less time making my game

Thanks again for the advice, I'm always impressed with this forum and its members ability to give great answers.