Release date for 4.3?

  • #40, by JoelWednesday, 25. November 2015, 09:53 10 years ago
    As far as i know it from other Engines, Spine exports a signle File (XML or something similiar), which you import into Visionaire. I don't think you have to re-import or rebuild the bodyparts.

    About the Pixel art, i think that's purely a matter of setting your scaling to nearest neighbour. In my opinion, Cut-out-style animated Pixel-Art seldomly looks good, because of the low resolution that makes rotation of joints look "wobbly". Take a look at a Game called "Distraint" on Youtube. It's Pixelart but animated with after Effects and even though it's a great game you can see the effect quite clearly.So it's not so much a problem of Visionaire than just of pixel art in general, that deformations will never really look that great especially when compared with frame-by-frame.

    Personally, i've never worked with Spine before but i did quite some cut-out animation with Toon Boom Harmony, when i was still wanting to make my game in higher res.

    I kinda like working with Vectors better when it comes to deformation, because it's more forgiving. You can do things like breathing very easily and i didn't even had to separate each joint:

    Second Walk Cycle test for my larger Game:

    Toon Boom is able to export XML Files as well and is very well integrated into Unity. I sometimes wish it was more widely accepted by other Engine Developers as well, because for me it's the best Animation Software out there.

    Of course it also exports any image Sequence you like so it's still a valid option.

    But since i got away from doing really Hi-Res Art, i'm pretty Happy with Aseprite smile

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  • #41, by LebosteinWednesday, 25. November 2015, 12:45 10 years ago
    Is there an (internal or official) document that describes the ved format in detail? I have reversed engineered many things of the xml for my own tools and scripts but some things I do not understand...

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #42, by afrlmeWednesday, 25. November 2015, 12:54 10 years ago
    I think there was some stuff related the xml data on the old 2d wiki. > special > all pages. Will give you a list of all the available pages (English & German). I don't know if any of it is relevant anymore though.


    7285 Posts

  • #43, by MachtnixSaturday, 28. November 2015, 02:04 10 years ago
    Zwei Dinge finde ich sehr verbsserungswürdig: die Möglichkeit, Aktionen und Befehle im Editor auf inaktiv zu schalten! Die meiste Zeit geht damit drauf, Wenn-dann-Terme oder Bedingungen auszuprobieren, bei Fehlern leider nur LÖSCHEN zu können und wieder neu reinzuschreiben, wenn ich sie doch brauche. Im Grunde werde ich geradezu gezwungen, in LUA zu programmieren. :-)

    Das zweite ist die unabhängige Einzel-Positionierung von Hot-Spot-Bereichen, Animationen und dem Objekt selber. Ich suche auf der ganzen Kulisse nach den zugeordneten Elementen, weil auch die Markierungsmöglichkeit etwas bescheiden ist... In meinem jetzigen Projekt habe ich 25 identische Objekte auf der Kulisse, bei denen eigentlich nur die Animationen bei Mausklick ausgetauscht werden sollen. Ich muss aber jede Animation und jeden Klickbereich einzeln positionieren... Da Vis offenbar eindeutige IDs benötigt, habe ich auch alle 175 Animationen einzeln zu benennen und zu verlinken...

    Using the editor is uncomfortably to make a lot of conditions and if-clauses, because I can't deactivate them for a short time, if I want to try another solution. So I have to delete my construction (maybe 30 lines...) and sometimes I have to rebuild it again, and so on.
    I think, it's really easier to use Lua at once, for simple problems too... ;-)

    It would be better, if animations and hot spot areas have the same identical position as its objects, which are their parents . I want to put 25 objects on the scene, only to change some animations by mouseclick. But I have to rearrange every animation and I must recreate every click area starting all over again. And every identical (!) animation needs its own ID, so I have a list of 175 more or less identical child movies and their own links to rename.

    That's for the next version :-)

    Edit: while reading a German Lua tutorial I had a crazy idea: I make my jigsaws as characters... They don't have all this restrictions as scene objects have... :-) :-)


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  • #44, by sebastianThursday, 14. April 2016, 08:39 9 years ago
    Any Updates regarding the next release?
    What can we expect for it? New features, what bugfixes?

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  • #45, by afrlmeThursday, 14. April 2016, 11:18 9 years ago
    They've been working on quite a few things & David is also back, so the development process should speed up a little bit more again. I don't know if everything they have been working on will make it into the next update though.

    I also don't have an eta for the release date of the next update. I'll leave it up to the devs if they want to give you the specifics on the release date & what they've been working on implementing / fixing. All I can tell you is that they have been busy little beavers. wink


    7285 Posts

  • #46, by SimonSFriday, 15. April 2016, 09:38 9 years ago
    I want to have the gui finished, I'm currently calculating a month, but I can't say for sure.

    Also in the next version:
    - text effects
    - Xbox One, PS4, WebGL export, maybe Windows Universal
    - masking (via Lua currently)
    - unlock aspect ratio
    - smoother scrolling
    - lua debugger (new gui)
    - new particle system (Lua until finished)
    - cross platform shaders
    - DirectX

    - freeze with ttf
    - wrapping for ttf
    some other minor things.

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  • #47, by sebastianFriday, 15. April 2016, 09:55 9 years ago
    That sounds fantastic smile
    Thanks for the feedback. What do you mean by masking?

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  • #48, by SimonSFriday, 15. April 2016, 09:59 9 years ago
    Looks like this. Basically you're drawing the mask to an image off-screen. The mask is then applied to the drawn image.

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  • #49, by ke4Friday, 15. April 2016, 10:09 9 years ago
    I'm pretty excited about the new gui, could you please say a little bit more about the text features?

    Key Killer

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  • #50, by PaupasiaFriday, 15. April 2016, 10:30 9 years ago
    Awesome news! I'm so happy to see these very important updates grin

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