Release date for 4.3?

  • #30, by MachtnixMonday, 23. November 2015, 17:23 10 years ago
    I hope the new one works! The last "little" GUI change from 4 beta to 4.0 final was a big disaster to me... Please can you show the necessary specifications my system must have for this, like some openGL specifications or shaders or libraries or environments..?
    So I have to decide: buying Vis immediately or never... ;-)

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  • #31, by SimonSMonday, 23. November 2015, 17:31 10 years ago
    The editor will take time, at least some months, so you still have time to reconsider. As for requirements, the player works = the new editor works, the requirements are very similar.

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  • #32, by marvelMonday, 23. November 2015, 17:52 10 years ago
    What Simon sais. There is absolutely no need to discuss or argue about the new editor, that will still be in active development for several months.

    Key Killer

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  • #33, by MachtnixMonday, 23. November 2015, 18:01 10 years ago
    Thank you both. That means: there is a 4.3-version, but starts without new editor, "only" ;-) ;-) with bugfixes...? Engine stays similar to 4.2.
    Editor comes later, maybe in a 4.5- or 5-version. Right?

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  • #34, by marvelMonday, 23. November 2015, 18:03 10 years ago
    Yes, there will be a new version in a few days with bugfixes and new features. The "new editor" is not part of this update.

    Key Killer

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  • #35, by darren-beckettTuesday, 24. November 2015, 00:09 10 years ago
    Please don't forget to rebuild the Android player :-)

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  • #36, by dos4gwTuesday, 24. November 2015, 02:54 10 years ago
    If there's still time, I'd like to request that the animation indexes be looked at. As is, they don't seem to take effect until the character walks or speaks. Having them change instantly would be incredibly useful.


    69 Posts

  • #37, by AkcayKaraazmakTuesday, 24. November 2015, 16:53 10 years ago
    Ahhh and I wish there will be a video play support as a scene object. It will be a great great feature. Image sequances uses so much system resources.

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  • #38, by MHRWednesday, 25. November 2015, 07:12 10 years ago
    Is it possible mention of some new features ? Sorry but I have to choose VS or another engines.
    1) Complete control keyboard character
    2) Custom turn before walking


    11 Posts

  • #39, by sebastianWednesday, 25. November 2015, 08:44 10 years ago
    I also have a question regarding spine support:
    As far as i know you are able to make the graphics for every body part and then animate these in spine.
    In Visionaire then are these bones/bodypart images reused to rebuild the whole character (using the spine file) ?
    What will happen in games with a lower (pixel art) Resolution when a bodypart gets rotated, stretched or deformed? Do i get blurry graphics then?

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  • #40, by JoelWednesday, 25. November 2015, 09:53 10 years ago
    As far as i know it from other Engines, Spine exports a signle File (XML or something similiar), which you import into Visionaire. I don't think you have to re-import or rebuild the bodyparts.

    About the Pixel art, i think that's purely a matter of setting your scaling to nearest neighbour. In my opinion, Cut-out-style animated Pixel-Art seldomly looks good, because of the low resolution that makes rotation of joints look "wobbly". Take a look at a Game called "Distraint" on Youtube. It's Pixelart but animated with after Effects and even though it's a great game you can see the effect quite clearly.So it's not so much a problem of Visionaire than just of pixel art in general, that deformations will never really look that great especially when compared with frame-by-frame.

    Personally, i've never worked with Spine before but i did quite some cut-out animation with Toon Boom Harmony, when i was still wanting to make my game in higher res.

    I kinda like working with Vectors better when it comes to deformation, because it's more forgiving. You can do things like breathing very easily and i didn't even had to separate each joint:

    Second Walk Cycle test for my larger Game:

    Toon Boom is able to export XML Files as well and is very well integrated into Unity. I sometimes wish it was more widely accepted by other Engine Developers as well, because for me it's the best Animation Software out there.

    Of course it also exports any image Sequence you like so it's still a valid option.

    But since i got away from doing really Hi-Res Art, i'm pretty Happy with Aseprite smile

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