New game "Zorint in Lapland"

  • #10, by sailor-interactiveFriday, 26. January 2018, 17:56 7 years ago
    The translation was really google ... sorry that I did not understand. I'll have to learn English


    52 Posts

  • #11, by sailor-interactiveFriday, 26. January 2018, 18:01 7 years ago
    The war we are going on in the country, the war since 2014. banks do not work ... I managed to buy from Thomas Dibke only version 3.7.1


    52 Posts

  • #12, by sailor-interactiveFriday, 26. January 2018, 18:02 7 years ago
    Sorry for the embarrassment with the language ...


    52 Posts

  • #13, by sailor-interactiveFriday, 26. January 2018, 18:25 7 years ago
    If you are not squeamish, you can download the demo version of the game ... I hope there are not so many bugs.This is a demo version of the game "Zorint in Lapland"


    52 Posts

  • #14, by stothewFriday, 26. January 2018, 18:32 7 years ago
    First of all. Congratulations for completing your game. This many screens and stuff was for sure a lot of work, so well done!

    i had to admit the translations are very off and the art style is a bit unusal these days, but i really like the sound effects and some animations itself are quite nice.

    May i can ask whitch 3D programm you used for these animations?
    for example the animation of the portal or the fluctuating lava.

    Thanks for advice!

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    127 Posts

  • #15, by sailor-interactiveFriday, 26. January 2018, 18:43 7 years ago
    Programm Wings 3D+GIMP+xnview+ scenario my effects...


    52 Posts

  • #16, by sailor-interactiveFriday, 26. January 2018, 18:45 7 years ago
    if someone wants to download a demo game then the password can be found by writing me a personal message on this site ...


    52 Posts

  • #17, by sailor-interactiveFriday, 26. January 2018, 19:12 7 years ago
    See if it's not terrible to translate the first part of the series "Zorints"


    52 Posts

  • #18, by LebosteinFriday, 26. January 2018, 20:13 7 years ago
    I personally do not like the graphic style. I like hand painted games. But the kids in your country will certainly have a lot of fun with the game. I wish you good luck with the release.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #19, by NigecSunday, 28. January 2018, 16:56 7 years ago
    I really wouldn't use computer generated vioces, they  have no emotion and  difficult to hear. I realise there is a language barrier, but get some English (or others) voice actors don't ask me my voice sucks, I wouldn't use my voice in my own game lol

    I agree the art is very strange, but congratulations on getting this far smile

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #20, by constantinMonday, 29. January 2018, 11:29 7 years ago
    congratulations for finishing your project. i think the problem is that you mix art styles too much. it seems to me like if you couldnt decide what you wanted it to be. some of it looks like a foto, some of it hand-drawn, but these do not match. also the animations of the flying birds (bats?) look unfinished to me. 

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