Improvements for VS 5 or 6 or even later - just ideas

  • #90, by marvelSaturday, 14. November 2015, 21:34 9 years ago
    Hi Joel,
    I underline your wishes. smile The thing is that our manpower is limited an we develop everything ourselves, even this forum wink We will for sure go for it when we find the time! smile

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #91, by JoelSaturday, 14. November 2015, 21:37 9 years ago
    Sure, i know of it wink I appreciate all the hard work you're doing and i know it's not always easy. I just pre-ordered Oak Island right now, so it's not much but just sending a little support there wink

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  • #92, by afrlmeSaturday, 14. November 2015, 22:15 9 years ago


    First thing: to show or hide a scene object (like a picture), we can link it with a condition. If the condition is true, the object is visible. If the condition is false, the object is hidden (this is the current system).
    Now would it be possible to have the same thing with variables? Attach a scene object with a variable and a specific value. For example if variable = 5, object is visible, else it's hidden.
    I know we can do it by scripting actions, but it takes longer and requires to go through variables+conditions, instead of just variables. Do you see what I mean?

    I second this one, but different system. Have an action list that allows you to add multiple instances of if query based actions to it, which have to be met to enable / show the linked object. I think the ability to declare and & or would also be a nice addition.


    7285 Posts

  • #93, by tristan-kangSaturday, 14. November 2015, 23:17 9 years ago
    More sound management system. grin

    Just like the pictures. It's from RPG Maker VX Ace I used to use.

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  • #94, by tristan-kangSaturday, 14. November 2015, 23:21 9 years ago
    Also convert lua scripts into normal action tabs.

    Just like the pictures, from same engine, too.

    Great Poster

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  • #95, by afrlmeSaturday, 14. November 2015, 23:31 9 years ago
    Convert Lua scripts into actions? Some of the functions we can only access via Lua script aren't actually Lua script per say... they are just functions that allow us to call & set certain internal engine parameters / functions that have more likely than not been written in C++.

    I believe the plan in the long run is to create more action part methods for things such as openGL shader stuff, sound stuff & so on, as well as provide a better workflow in general.

    The issue with the current editor is that some things are limited due to using WxWidgets as the framework - I guess framework is the apt word for it?


    7285 Posts

  • #96, by tristan-kangSaturday, 14. November 2015, 23:34 9 years ago
    Will VS have a chance to change WxWidgets to better framework? I know how it's incompatible with Wondows 10 now.

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  • #97, by afrlmeSunday, 15. November 2015, 00:06 9 years ago
    Hmm... that's why Simon & Alex are working on building a custom GUI.


    7285 Posts

  • #98, by marvelSunday, 15. November 2015, 12:53 9 years ago
    Thanks Joel for your Oak Island Preorder. We're always happy for such support and every dollar counts... especially for the expensive Voice Recordings. smile

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #99, by sebastianSunday, 15. November 2015, 15:42 9 years ago
    Here some of ideas that came into my mind over the past time. Some of them are maybe already possible in a way when you use a lot of lua, but as the engine should be simple to use i would love to see these features integrated as action parts or inside the engine itself:

      1. besides values/conditions for each object/character/etc also add global conditions / values for the game (in the game tab for example). I would remain the "local" values/conditions because some of the scripts, etc work excellent with them.
      2. add an active and inactive state graphic and animation for items so that (if set) the active image/animation is shown when the dragged item is hovered over objects. The item inside the inventory remains in the inactive state.
      3. enable turn animations for characters
      4. display images independently from being bind to an object or interface (Maybe like it is implemented in the RPG Maker Engines where you are able to set (and move) images.)
      5. more mathematical possibilities in the set value action part
      6. possibility to set different object text fonts for each display object text action part. Also make it possible to change to different colors (or fonts) inside a displayed text.
      7. copy/paste from actionparts should be improved. I cant copy more than 1 actionpart at once for now.
      8. setting an "if" action part should also automatically include/add the end if. Copying only the if action part should then copy the whole stuff inside it until the next "end if"
      9. add an "else if" action part for each "if"
      10. more replacement tags for displayed text: e.g. display a characters or objects name
      11. possibility to change how object images/animations are displayed in the scene (add, multiply, etc). Don't know if it's relevant but it may is useful for visual stuff.
      12. improve the follow character action part where when the char stops, the following char can access his random animations
      13. more lua hooks
      14. add one more zoom level to everything zoomable in the engine. Games with a "retro resolution" need this smile
      15. more possibilities to fade in/out the displayed screen
      16. maybe moving the "interface tab" of a character where you select which interfaces the char has to the interface itself and then selecting which character the interface would be applied. I think this would improve the workflow because you may dont forget to activate it on the character...
      17. save more stuff inside the autosave files (date,current room, current char, screenshot) and make them accessible (via lua) to build up a full featured custom save menu.
      18. remove herobrine
      19. dialog options: make it possible that the displayed texts are sorted from the bottom (dynamical height of the dialog box). Also maybe bind them to an image to replicate some kind of sam and max dialogue system...
      20. add a "comment" action part which does nothing but describes whats going on inside the code. Maybe display it with another color in the editor.
      21. tint screen, flash screen (short tinting and then go back to normal)
      22. make the "pause" action part also be able to interrupt the player by clicking anywhere so the char moves to a location while waiting
      23. right now there is only one possibility for scene objects to be displayed: when a condition is met. Here it would be nice if you can select more options: e.g. (more) conditions, variables, item (in inventory)
      24. add different states for scene objects which activate if conditions or variables are met.
      25. add some information about selected objects in the status bar of the editor: display their table_id and id on the statusbar and/or when hovering an object / item / char / dialog option / etc, display it in a tooltip

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  • #100, by afrlmeSunday, 15. November 2015, 16:18 9 years ago
    Let's see...

    1. I tend to create separators in my scene & character lists. So I end up adding all global conditions / values / actions etc into the separators at the top of my scene & character lists.

    2. Very good, but I don't like using dragged item method for various reasons. It looks much better when you create a custom cursor. The idea of having an active / inactive state would be good. There's no reason to have static image section really - might as well just use inactive / active system same as the mouse cursors - you can always set to infinite loop.

    5. Like what?

    4 & 6. According to Simon: in the next build we should be able to display images & text (with various parameter options) via Lua script. Which means they don't need to be assigned to anything in the editor.

    8. That's a nice idea. Would certainly save a few clicks.

    9. Don't forget about the and & or operators as they also reduce the amount of end if's required to close off an if query.

    18. eh?

    20. Simon mentioned that the blocks would be collapsible / float optional or something, so why not go one better & just have option to enable a block that allows you to type / display a comment for the selected action part / module.

    22. Don't understand this one. If a pause action part is not added to your character actions & you haven't activated a cut-scene or hidden the cursor with the hide cursor action part then you should still be allowed to click / set new destination for the active character. Pause actions only affect the action block in which they are executed.

    23. Ideally VS needs more if query options in general. If item "x" is in inventory is a good example. If scene is "x" scene. If item is held [x, any]. etc. etc.


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