help me to created my first game.

  • #1, by Ong nevTuesday, 27. December 2016, 02:25 8 years ago
    *Please translate my word in your language, because i write in Indonesia Language. thanks a lot of.

    perkenalkan, nama saya Ong. saya seorang mahasiswa yang kuliah di Indonesia dan tepatnya di kota  Madiun.
    disini saya ingin bertanya-tanya tentang cara pembuatan game, apa saja langkah-langkahnya dan aplikasi apa saja yang harus saya siapkan.
    okey, saya punya sebuah project game yang akan saya buat.
    gamenya seperti let's get rich milik line. tapi saya akan mebuatnya lebih sederhana, dimana saya akan membuat game tersebut hanya berjalan dalam satu kali putaran saja dan tidak menggunakan unsur-unsur membeli tanah atau tempat namun akan menggantinya dengan membuat pertanyaan disetiap kotak atau tempat dengan beberapa pertanyaan yang diberikan kepada pemain saat player berada di suatu kotak atau suatu tempat di game tersebut. tetap menggunakan basic dice untuk mengerakan player menuju kotak-kotak yang ada. disetiap kotak berisikan sebuah pertanyaan yang memang pertanyaan tersebut sudah di acak dari 10 pertayaan yang berada di kotak tersebut, dan tiap kotak berbeda  judul atau materi pertanyaannya. sehingga setiap player menerima pertanyaan yang berbeda-beda di setiap kotak ( gambaran game : game ini berbentuk kotak, ada empat kotak di setiap sisinya, antara kotak 1 ke kotak satunya ada enam buah kotak, untuk kotak pojok kiri atas adalah start dan Finish, itu adalah kotak no satu. dan berjejer kotak-kotak berikutnya hingga kotak ke delapan, di kotak kedelapan akan tersusun kota-kotak lagi ke bawah hingga kotak ke 15, setelah kotak ke 15. akan tersusun lagi kota di bagian kiri sampai dengan kotak ke 22 dan tersusun lagi 6 kotak diatasnya sampai menyambung pada kotak 1 lagi. ) ( disetiap kota berisi minimal 10 pertanyaan, contoh : (mulai kotak 2, karena kotak 1 adalah start dan finish) kotak 2 berjudul tentang buah yang berisi  pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang nama buah, sebanyak lebih dari 6 pertanyaan, namum pertanyaan tersebut di acak dan akan muncul 1 pertanyaan saja yang harus di jawab, pertanyaanya bersifat pilihan, ada jawaban a,b,c dan d, jika benar, player akan mendapatkan star yang sudah di tentukan, jika salah, player tidak akan mendapatkan star, star akan terakumulasi hingga permainan selesai. dan untuk kotak ke 3 dengan judul hewan, ada beberapa pertanyaan tentang nama hewan, dengan aturan yang sama dengan kotak 2, dan seterusnya singga kotak yang ke 28.)
    dengan menggunakan sister dice untuk mengacak langkah player yang memang membuat permainan semakin menarik karena keberuntungan juga  mempengaruhi tingkat angka yang keluar dari dice tersebut.

    cukup seperti itu sederhaanya game.
    tolong bantu saya untuk mewujudkan game pertama saya ini.


    bila ada pertanyaan bisa comment.


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  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 27. December 2016, 12:52 8 years ago

    First off, welcome to the Visionaire Studio community. wink

    Secondly, unfortunately I'm struggling to understand what you have written. Bing is doing a bad job of translating it & Google is even more useless. If you want to make games or work in Game development / design, then it would help if you learned a little English as most engines & tools are in English - same goes for tutorials (video & text).

    The only thing I understood about your translated text was something about dice (I'm guessing for randomization of something) & the other thing was something about questions & players receiving stars if they get a question correct.

    & that's about it, sorry.

    Anyway, you will be needing to use multiple random values (integers) & probably conditions (boolean values of true or false) as these are what almost every game you can imagine is made up of.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by redsparkTuesday, 27. December 2016, 14:54 8 years ago

    introduce, my name is Ong. I am a student studying in Indonesia and in the city of Madiun.

    here I want to wonder about making games, what steps and what applications should I prepare.

    okey, I had a game project that I will make.

    game such as "let's get rich" property line. but I'll make it simple, which I will make these games only run in one round only and does not use elements of buying land or place, but will replace it with making inquiries in every box or a place with some of the questions given to the player when the player is in a box or somewhere in the game. still using the basic dice player to work towards the existing boxes. each box contains a question that is indeed the question is already at random from the 10 questions that were in the box, and each box is different title or material question. so that each player receives questions that vary in each box (description of the game: This game is square, there are four boxes on each side, between the box 1 to box only there six boxes, to box the top left corner is the start and finish, it is box no one, and lined the boxes next to the box to eight, in eight boxes are stacked town-box to box again down to 15, after the boxes are stacked again to 15. the city in the box to the left up to 22 and composed again 6 box above to connect the box 1 again.) (in every city contains a minimum of 10 questions, for example: (start box 2, since the box 1 is the start and finish) box 2 entitled of fruit containing questions about the name of the fruit, by more than 6 questions, yet the question at random and will appear one question that must be answered, the question is optional, there is the answer a, b, c and d, if true, the player will get a star that has been specified, if any , the player will not get a star, star will accumulate until the game is finished. and for the box to 3 with the title of animals, there are some questions about the name of the animal, with the same rules as the second box, and so the lion box to 28.)

    using dice sister to randomize the player steps that really make the game more interesting because of luck also affect the outcome of the dice.

    quite like it simple game.

    please help me to realize my first game.

    thank you,

    if there are questions can comment.
    I had to use an Indinesian spell checker to get this far.  To me, it sounds like the player is to click on a box within a grid and receives a random question.  If they get the answer right, they get a star.  The more stars they receive the higher the title they get.  The Titles are animal based with Lion being the highest?  I'm not sure if I got that right.

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  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 27. December 2016, 16:41 8 years ago
    I think someone else on here made a dice based game. I think it's in German only though? I'm pretty sure I saw a thread or news article about it not long ago - but you know me & my bad memory.

    Anyway, dice & question games are basically made up out of randomized integer values, conditions & if queries to return a specific event / action based on the random value.

    I don't even think a game like that would require any Lua script at all, but Lua tables would probably allow you to organize questions & answers better.

    Would it be possible for you to share a diagram or reference image for this game you have in mind as the box stuff sounds very confusing in the translation.


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