Dialog Area - dialog texts aren't displayed permanently

  • #1, by markus-creativeSunday, 03. January 2016, 16:16 9 years ago
    Hello everybody,

    I'm new here to this forum. Currently I'm evaluating Visionaire Studio and I'm really impressed so far by its capabilities. I made good progress on my small test adventure, but now I face my first problem. Maybe you can give me some advice.

    I'm working on a classic point & click adventure with Maniac Mansion style interface. Meaning on the bottom of the screen there are the control and the inventory interfaces. When a dialog starts, the dialog area background is displayed instead of the control and inventory interface also at the bottom of the screen, similar to the old adventures. Everything works properly, the dialog texts to choose from appear and I can select a text.

    But the problem is, after selecting a text from the dialog area the dialog takes place and the dialog area background with the selectable texts disappears and the controls and inventory interface is displayed again. But I would like to have the dialog area with the texts to stay during the whole dialog. How can I manage this? I couldn't find an option to enable or disable the dialog area to show or hide.

    I would be grateful for any help. Answers in English or German are very welcome. Thanks,



    47 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianSunday, 03. January 2016, 16:28 9 years ago
    (sadly) this seems to be normal in visionaire dialogs.
    You could help yourself by defining an interface which looks like the dialogbox and show it when i dialog starts (+hide it when it ends). Dont forget to activate the interface on the characters interface list. Also this interface has to be higher in the list than the inventory stuff.

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  • #3, by markus-creativeSunday, 03. January 2016, 17:06 9 years ago
    Thanks for the quick response and hint. Unfortunately it doesn't work. I defined an dialog interface to cover the controls and inventory and assigned it to the character.

    When a "talk to" command is executed I defined an action, where this dialog interface is show, then the dialog starts and at the end the dialog interface is hidden again. But the problem still occurs. During a dialog itself the control and inventory interfaces are still displayed. When the dialog has ended the dialog area with the texts to chose from are displayed again.

    The other problem is, when this dialog interface is on top of the interfaces list, it covers the other ones permanently.



    47 Posts

  • #4, by sebastianSunday, 03. January 2016, 17:31 9 years ago
    is this extra interface in the correct order? maybe its shown underneath the normal inventory interface

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  • #5, by markus-creativeSunday, 03. January 2016, 17:34 9 years ago
    I placed it on top, but if it is on top of the interface list, it covers the others permanently.


    47 Posts

  • #6, by tristan-kangSunday, 03. January 2016, 17:56 9 years ago
    I didn't try it but have you checked this one?

    In interface property, there is option 'show interface permanently'.

    Great Poster

    267 Posts

  • #7, by markus-creativeSunday, 03. January 2016, 20:52 9 years ago
    Hi and thanks for the answer.

    I didn't try it but have you checked this one?

    In interface property, there is option 'show interface permanently'.

    Yes, I've ticked this option.

    If my dialog interface is on top of the interface list, it always overlays the other interfaces no matter, if 'show interface permanently' is enable or disabled.

    If my dialog interface is below the other interfaces in the interface list, it overlays the other interfaces, when 'show interface permanently' is enabled, otherwise it doesn't.


    47 Posts