Cutscene in show scene/menü (Solved..kinda)

  • #1, by elecSunday, 12. February 2017, 16:50 8 years ago
    Hey there,

    so i got a little problem, i wanna make a cutscene with an ego-perspective, so i tried to use "show scene/menü".
    So i set a point for the characters which should show up and aligned the "person stands by" in the Person menu to the point, ingame they do not show up tho, and i dont know what to do. Help please.

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  • #2, by sebastianSunday, 12. February 2017, 18:32 8 years ago
    well is this "ego perspective scene" a scene or a menu. I guess that characters cant be in menus (maybe?)...

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  • #3, by elecSunday, 12. February 2017, 18:49 8 years ago
    It's a scene, i also gave it wayboarders and points.

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  • #4, by sebastianSunday, 12. February 2017, 21:43 8 years ago
    could it be possible that they don't have a standing graphic for the desited alignment, so they are invisible then?

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  • #5, by elecSunday, 12. February 2017, 22:27 8 years ago
    That shouldnt be the Problem, the character has a graphic for front and back, i just tried to align that character to front before the scenes change and it didnt help
    As you can see the "person stands by" should be set correctly, since its a point in the wayboarders

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  • #6, by elecMonday, 13. February 2017, 21:58 8 years ago
    I got interesting news, though i still dont know whats the problem:

    When i use "Show scene ..." in the menü the character actually gets shown, as soon as i use "change scene to" tho he doesnt, i also tried playing that game, there the character wont show up, too. Any Suggestions?

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  • #7, by MachtnixMonday, 13. February 2017, 23:06 8 years ago
    Leider bekomme ich wegen des englischen Textes nicht heraus, wo eigentlich das Problem liegt.
    Du hast zwei Kulissen, eine dritte-Person-Perspektive (das eigentliche Spiel) und eine andere Kulisse, eine Ego-Perspektive, die aufgerufen wird, wenn ein bestimmtes Ereignis eintritt? Die Figur ist also überhaupt nie zu sehen? In der Ego-Perspektive natürlich sowieso nicht, da sieht man die Spielfigur ja bekanntlich nicht.

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  • #8, by sebastianTuesday, 14. February 2017, 12:42 8 years ago
    so show scene works and all characters on that scene are displayed,  but a normal change scene doesnt display any character then? even the character you chosed to switch the scene? 

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  • #9, by elecTuesday, 14. February 2017, 12:44 8 years ago
    Ich dachte auf englisch erreiche ich vielleicht mehr :x
    Also, ich möchte aus dem Blickwinkel meines Hauptcharacters eine Cutscene ablaufen lassen (Blickwinkel ist hierbei die Kulisse "Im Kleiderschrank" (weil der Charakter da drin ist)), ich habe den Punkt für den anderen Charakter, welcher in der Cutscene vorkommt gesetzt, er taucht jedoch nicht auf. Ich habe zum Kulissenwechsel nicht "Change scene to" sondern "Show scene" gewählt, da dort der Hauptcharakter nicht angezeigt wird.

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  • #10, by afrlmeTuesday, 14. February 2017, 13:05 8 years ago
    Could you please post some more screenshots of the scene object you are trying to set the character to & the action parts used to change the scene/character & of the way system too please?

    I think you are most likely overlooking something.

    P.S: could you also please check the messages.log file. If you want to know where that is located on your pc then run your game via the VS editor. Press TAB to open up the developer console & type: exec print(localAppDir) then press ENTER/RETURN then type print log then press ENTER/RETURN. Now use PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN keys to navigate the log pages until you can see an entry that looks something along the lines of c:/users... & that will be where you can find the log file for your game as well as save files & the config.ini


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  • #11, by elecTuesday, 14. February 2017, 13:45 8 years ago
    13:38:34: Engine Version: 4.2.5 (Build 1185 from Build date: Nov 24 2015)
    13:38:34: Time needed for preloading game: 4 msec
    13:38:35: Initializing graphics interface. Surface size: 1920x1080, render size: 1920x1080
    13:38:35: Using Framebuffer with texture.
    13:38:35: red, green, blue, alpha, depth size: , doublebuffer , accelerated
    13:38:35: Serialization finished. Needed time: 50 ms
    13:38:35: SetupParents finished. Needed time: 0 ms
    13:38:35: SortLinks finished. Needed time: 0 ms
    13:38:35: Interfaces loaded. Needed time: 0 ms
    13:38:35: Scripts loaded. Needed time: 1 ms
    13:38:35: Time needed for loading game: 299 msec
    13:38:39: log: Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
    ERROR: 0:13: error(#164) l-value required: assign "color" (can't modify a uniform)
    ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors.  No code generated

    13:38:39: log: Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was called.  Link failed.
    13:38:58: C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Local/VisionaireStudio/A new Hope/

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