Hmm... if you are not planning on using more than 1 frame for idle animations then controlling the global pause value would be better. My tutorial was intended for idle animations that contain multiple animation frames. It works by querying a random number generated by math.random & then uses that query to determine if it should display the animation up to whatever the default idle animation frame total number should be, or it displays the entire animation including the blink animation.
It won't work very well with a single frame because it's looping & querying every single frame.
As I was saying, if you plan on using a single frame, then it would be better to change the global pause value between frames instead - taking into account that you need to edit the next frame & set the global pause between frame back to the default number it's supposed to be.
Animations["example"].AnimationPause = math.random(60, 3000)
so what we are doing in the code example above is setting the global pause between animation frames to a random number between 60ms & 3000ms. The smallest value should be whatever the default pause value is that you set - unless you always want a larger delay.