I did a Zeppelin template that turned like Myst.. I could probably do a simpler version now
A proper 360 turn would be awesome, even Marvel was interested about it a few years ago but it never got an answer beyond "it can be done by script" but no one stept up 
Some months ago I wanted to look at this amazing zeppelin thing but the link was dead. I will have a new look.
My problem is: i'm a BAD programmer. Maybe I can think about a algorithm or a solution way, but I can't never script this my way
Scolling a panorama picture left or right by clicking the mouse doesn't seem very complicated.
You need a tool to make a panorama one. Lua-script: You have to scroll the action areas / hotspots either. You have to jump to the start-point at the end of the rotation. That's all possible with Visionaire (all actions and objects are there I think), but it's a lot of scripting I can't stand.
Btw: I don't need a character on the stage. It is enough to create one and forget it. I don't use a character for my pipe game.