21.07.2010 | General | Marvel
Visionaire Adventure Studio 3.4 released
Loads of things were done in the past weeks. We enhanced the performance of visionaire studio, added new stunning functions and improved the editor gui. Now we are glad to release version 3.4 of visionaire studio.
Release Notes von Visionaire 3.4:[list]
It is now possible to export and import team files to work in parallel on a ved project file.
Fixed bug with widescreen support: display was not correct on some ATI graphics cards, the setting in Options/Player in the editor was not used correctly.
Additional command line parameter usetexforwidescreen=true|false and setting UseTextureForWidescreen=Yes|No in config.ini to reactivate the old widescreen support used in Visionaire 3.3 (if set to false/No).
New option 'Keep directory' in import dialog for speech files.
Improved editor GUI.
Lower workspace when editing scenes is now always visible and not hidden anymore if no scene object is selected.
'Preview' tab for scenes and interfaces to control graphic display is now always visible.
The last used directory for importing speech files will be saved and reused.
The list of most recently used action parts will be saved when the editor is closed and loaded on editor startup.
Show black screen after video is finished (instead of last video frame).
It is possible to define a certain resolution in config.ini which will be used for the game (only in fullscreen mode).
Additional parameter logWarning for getObject script command. This avoids that an error is written into the log file in case the object could not be found (siehe http://wiki.visionaire2d.net/index.php?title=GetObject).
Added new fields VGameCursorHorizontalScrollDistance and VGameCursorVerticalScrollDistance to set the distance of cursor to the screen border where scrolling will be started (see http://wiki.visionaire2d.net/index.php?title=Data_Structure_...).
Global Lua script variables will be stored in savegames.
Music volume is now used as volume for videos
Added Combobox to select object text font in game properties (font used in action part 'Display object text').
Games4Windows compatibility ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee417691(VS.85).aspx ):
Additional fields for company name and game name. If both fields are specified then the savegames will be saved in the Windows standard folder for local files (company name and game name are used as directory name below the standard folder). This path can be accessed in lua scripts with the variable 'localAppDir'. If the name of the game (.ved or .vis file) is given as a command line parameter then this local directory will also be used for the logfile, config.ini and possible dump files. This allows to run games with limited user rights because no more files are written to the installation directory of the game.
deactivate sounds when player is not active anymore.
added manifest to set requestedExecutionLevel.
make player dpi-aware.
added product name, company name and version info to exe file.
New command line parameter 'logfile': this parameter sets the path+filename of the logfile. If this parameter is specified the logfile is created immediately after the exe is started. Otherwise the logfile is created after the game itself was loaded. This makes it possible to see errors which occur already during loading the .ved or .vis file.
Removed 'temppath' from config.ini and player command line. Temp files are now always written to the standard Windows temp folder.
Text import of .csv files: .csv files without text delimiter (") are also imported now.
Improved compatability of exported .csv speech files for better import in some applications (e.g. MS Excel).
If ShowIdInTextNames=1 is set in [General] settings of viseditor.ini then all texts in text overview also show the internal text id.
Fixed bug when standard command is a combined command and is used to combine an item with another object (without dragging). If no action is executed a comment is now shown.
Fixed bug when skipping an 'If' or 'Else' action block which contains a 'Jump to action part' action part.
Fixed bug for importing speech files: if filename of existing speech file was used and the file extension was different then the filename was not set correctly.
Fixed speaker text alignment setting (options in combo box were in wrong order), fixed alignment 'centered (position defines left)' for speaker text.
Fixed bug for multiple animations with same direction (usage of VCharacterAnimIndex).
Fixed bug when showing action text in rectangle on screen (position was always 0,0 before).
Fixed bug for selecting animation frame when animation frame time-line is scrolled.
Fixed bug with deleting animation frames: if an animation frame had additional properties (sound or action) then these properties were not deleted.
Fixed bug when scrolling vertical to given point. Also fixed possible "jiggle" when scrolling to point.
fixed bug with restarting animations after loading a savegame (does not work with savegames from previous version).
Fixed bug when character is leaving scene vertically (at top or bottom): use character size from scene edge and not 100%.
Fixed bug of possible flickering scene object when changing visibility of the object.
Fixed major bug when accessing objects by name in a script which could lead to a crash in certain circumstances.
Build game (full version): added option if videos should be encrypted.
Further Plans:We like to finish our work at the mac port, soon. Besides we like to enhance the editor gui and the handling in general. So you would be able to create games easier and more efficient.
Download of the Freeware Versionhttp://www.visionaire2d.net/visionaire/VisDownload/index.php...Order of the professional Versionhttp://www.visionaire-studio.net/992/shop/games/adventure-ga...Here some short logo video of Visionaire Studio. We would be glad if you could use this in your games.
4 Kommentare
Comments closed.Awesomesauce!!