24.07.2015 | General | Marian77

A Little Less Desperation - Making-of published

See how we create the artwork for our upcoming adventure game!

We just published a brief making-of video on how we create the background artwork for our game. You can see how the scene with Quetzalcoatl comes to life from A-Z! And you can hear me philosophizing on the difference between 2D and 3D software when it comes to creating images. It's not meant to be a tutorial, since it's much too fast for that, but it's still interesting to see how the objects are made and put together until you get the whole image in the end. Check out our making-of!


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  • Simon_ASA
    10 years ago
    Great Making Of, very good work. It's always difficult to share a passion with people and explain how the graphics are done in a game (along with the very lot of work that it represents). I hope you'll get enough votes on Steam - this is difficult too, but don't give up. It took 1,5 years for my game to be greenlit, so it can happen much later... Good luck!
  • ke4
    10 years ago
    Very interesting video! :-)

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