Hi everybody. First, excuse my english.
Im from Spain, and im making a game in visionaire Studio.
This is an awesome tool, there is no tutorials in my languae, so im making a tutorial in SPANISH.
The thing is that people know the tool. The tutorial that I am doing now can be found here:
http://rockstar360.es/tutorial-visionaire-en-castellano.htmlI would like the community of visionaire might abound, I put the tutorial also in a famous Spanish forum,
http://www.forocoches.com/foro/showthread.php?p=137715245#po...and the people hallucinates what can be done whit Visionaire.
I love being part of this community, someday I wish to translate a game of Daedalic Entertainment to Spanish.
Greetings to everybody!

PD: My GAME is not the game of the tutorial.
Someday in 2013 i wish show you..