Visionaire Editor 5 fails to launch

  • #1, by pixelgeistSunday, 09. December 2018, 06:57 6 years ago
    Hi, there.  I have been using Visionaire studeo for a few months without any issues.  Now I find that suddenly I am unable to launch the application.  When I try it seems like a window will briefly try to open, and then dissapear.

    There are no error messages or anything like that.

    I have tried unistalling and re-installing, but so far no luck.

    Has anyone else out there run into this issue?


    16 Posts

  • #2, by NigecSunday, 09. December 2018, 09:04 6 years ago
    Try running as a admin if you are on Windows...
    if this works then Windows may of messed up your drivers, I had to re install my Nvidia drivers even though I had the current ones after a Windows update

    Your system spec would be a help

    There is a log in AppData I think its local/visionaireeditor (I'm on Linux right now so its a guess) but there is two VS related folders and there is *.log files that should help

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #3, by sebastianSunday, 09. December 2018, 12:57 6 years ago
    which OS do you use? 

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #4, by pixelgeistSunday, 09. December 2018, 20:36 6 years ago
    I am running windows 10.
    Version 1809
    Installed 2018-12-08
    OS build 17763.1

    I found the log file Nigec mentioned... It has the following message.

    11:25:23.453grin3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 needs to be supported for DX11. HRESULT: 887a0004

    I have tried re-installing my Nvidia drivers and re-installing DX11.

    Still no luck, but I will keep trying.
    Thanks for your help so far guys!!


    16 Posts

  • #5, by pixelgeistSunday, 09. December 2018, 21:01 6 years ago
    Hi there, got it working!!

    Getting the latest windows update and then re-installing my drivers got rid of the problem.  Not sure why it didn't work the first time.

    Thanks again.


    16 Posts

  • #6, by NigecSunday, 09. December 2018, 23:48 6 years ago
    I think DX11 updates to a higher version, re installing drivers probably reverts it
    glad you got it working smile

    Key Killer

    640 Posts